Page 83 - Lent2012v3b

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with humility riding on an ass. The gospel writers paint a picture of him as some-
one who is unmoved by the accolades of the crowds. His whole demeanor is
consistent with kingship in God˅s Kingdom of love, justice, truth and peace. Je-
sus has come to liberate the People of God not from the chains of earthly tyr-
anny, but from the chains of our own hard heartedness and deafness to God˅s
word. Even at his moment of greatest earthly triumph, he is uncompromised in
his mission.
Fast forward a few days, and we see Jesus in entirely different circumstances: in
chains, beaten, humiliated, betrayed, and crucified. A first century audience
would have picked up the heroism in what we might see as Jesus˅ passive re-
sponse to his interrogators, taunters and executioners. His silence to Pilate˅s
questions, his refusal to cower before the Pharisees, and the bravery with which
he submits to the beatings, the taunts of the crowd and the slow, excruciating
death on the cross, leave us in no doubt of his great courage and manliness.
Jesus˅ heroic death for us on the Cross changed everything...he not only liber-
ated us from death and sin through his own death and resurrection, but he also
modeled to us how we might handle the vicissitudes of life, with steadfast faith in
God, honor, humbleness of heart, courage and love.
I come before you, O my God, to ask you to stretch my heart ...fill it with faith
and love and increase my desire to always do your will, and to follow your Son.
Please give me the courage and the humility to act with love, honor and strength
in whatever circumstances I find myself. Help me to be a faithful disciple, fol-
lowing in the footsteps of Jesus. I make this prayer through your Son, who lives
and reigns in you, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Cambria Smith
Parish Life Director