then, will it take us? Jesus tells us we can make the
choice to deny ourselves daily. Some days will be
easier than others. Some hours, some moments, will
be easier than others. It is all about gradation as we
move towards the end of our race.
This Lent I am reminded of my mother-in-law, who
has spent the last year receiving aggressive treat-
ment for a cancer diagnosis. Her treatment included a harvesting and rein-
sertion of her stem cells. When your stem cells are replaced into your
body, it is called your “new birthday,” because your immune system has
been wiped out and you are as vulnerable as a newborn baby. Her sick-
ness has been a journey for us all, a season of little deaths and, thankfully,
a season of growth as she continues to heal.
As we enter into the season of Lent we are asked to make daily choices of
prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We are asked to be intentional and we are
asked to be willing to change. Lent is a season of growth, of dying to those
things that kill us and rising to those things which give life. But we are also
reminded that these seasons will continue throughout our lifetime, that we
need not be perfectly good or completely dead to ourselves right at this
moment. There is time, there is hope, and at its conclusion we are wel-
comed into a season of joy.
Loving Jesus, as we enter into this season of Lent, open our eyes to the
ways we can grow towards you. Amen.
Middle School Ministry Coordinator, Ministry Assistant to the Religious
Education Office