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coming the mail each month, one may not notice God coming to the res-
cue. One may forget that all of this, everything we have is a gift from our God
who loves us and gives us all good things. Some might say that people with
money, even when they make great offerings, tend not to notice God’s care be-
cause they are rarely in a position to be consciously aware of their complete reli-
ance on God.
My parents had a larger than normal age difference. My dad assuming he would
pass away before my mom attempted to put away a nest egg so she would be
secure in her golden years. And as projected my father did pass away, too
young, and before my mom. Being a product of her time, at the time of my dad’
s passing knew very little about their finances. As I stepped in to offer my mom a
little assistance, I learned of my dad’s great love for her and how he had indeed
created savings for her security. I thank God for being such a good example to
my dad, inspiring him to be like our God, concerned for the widow [and orphan
and stranger]. My mom thanks my father daily for the blessings he has left for
her. And I thank God for sharing with my father, His ways.
God of unconditional love,
Help us to be more like you care for the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the one
in need.
Help us to increase our perception of you and your ways.
That we may be attentive to you moving within our lives.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our brother.
Dawn Ponnet
Director of Faith Formation