cigarettes away from him.
This event I believe illustrates this gospel. Too often we dwell on the specifics of
the text and not on the meaning of the word. Jesus is telling us not to focus on
the signs but to understand that it is the preparation of our lives that is the mean-
ing of His teaching.
How many times has each of us made decisions and acted on situations based
upon what seems to be the obvious, only to discover that we have completely
missed the mark? In our spiritual journey we need to be aware of the simple truth
that God wants us to live as Christian people in a community of Beloved Disci-
Dear Lord, help me to understand your meaning and help me to act accordingly.
Give me the insight to see that it is my behavior that I must adjust to prepare my
life in accordance with your mandate to live as a Beloved Disciple. Amen.
Henry Provencio
Discipleship Committee, Education Formation Commission