Romans 4:20-25
Luke 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75
Luke 12:13-21
Today’s readings look to the future. As Abraham had faith and believed
in God’s promise, so we have faith in the Lord Jesus and look forward
to a heavenly award. In the Gospel Christ reminds us through the par-
able of the rich man with an abundant harvest that the only true treasure
is not earthly possessions but our relationship with our neighbor and
The rich man has a golden opportunity. He has an abundant harvest,
more than he can possibly use or need. Rather than share his abundance with
those in need, or even to give a raise to his staff or increase their benefits, per-
haps give them a better health plan, no, he builds bigger barns for his own
pleasure and false security. He is the picture of the self-centered person.
I am reminded of a TV spot from some years ago. A middle class white woman
neatly dressed is headed to church. As she walks along, she is greeted by an
elderly black man. She barely acknowledges the greeting. She then passes an
Oriental woman who graciously bows to her. She nods with a look of superiority.
As she enters the church, an Hispanic man greets her and opens the church door
for her. She hardly notices the gesture. As the TV spot continues, the voice over
says, “If you don’t find God here,” (quick shots of the three persons whom the
woman encountered) “you won’t likely find Him in there,” as the woman disap-
pears into the church.
Our treasure has to be in our relationships. The parable speaks of being rich in
what matters to God. In today’s consumerist world, being rich in what matters to
God is a particularly difficult challenge. We are bombarded with sensual offers.
The latest fashions. Delicious food. Glorious travel. Soothing massages. The