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through our actions. How many of us have effectively told our child: do as I say,
not do as I do?
Far too often we follow the crowd or become infatuated with something not be-
cause of its intrinsic value, but rather because of its presentation. Mark Twain
notes that thunder is wonderful, thunder is impressive, but it is the lightening that
does all of the work. Jesus plainly tells us: Whoever exalts himself will be hum-
bled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted. What does this mean to us?
In our daily life we are presented with numerous opportunities to be the face of
Jesus and a true servant of others. Father Greg Boyle has changed lives, not by
shouting or through anger, but through carefully and thoughtfully listening to the
hearts of those he serves. Each of us has the same opportunity on a greater or
lesser scale to bring peace and hope into the lives of others. Most of us will
never be famous or even be given an award for what we do. But we all have the
opportunity and the grateful obligation to serve and love others each and every
day. Tuning out the loud, the outrageous, the angry and the demanding in our
lives and carefully listening to the simple, the good, and the hearts of others,
demonstrates our willingness to be humble in our service. It is through this that
we truly become a servant of the Lord.
Father, thank you for every opportunity that you have given me to serve you.
Please grant to me the strength and humility to place the needs of others before
mine. Please grant me the wisdom to truly listen to the hearts of others and un-
derstand how I can best respond to those needs.
Mark Juhas
RCIA team