Page 23 - Oct2012v1

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Remember when you
were the odd person out
in a family argument. Do
you recall how your
opinion was contrary to
that of the family? But
you were very insistent
on your position. Or do
you remember the first
time you really disagreed with a teacher or professor and said so!
This is what Jesus was expressing about division in a household. He
knew that his commandments would take courage to accept and
more importantly take courage to live by. He is preparing us as Be-
loved Disciples to understand that it is more that repeating the words,
it is living the acts even if it goes against the norms of society.
In our secular world of today the thought of being different or to go
against what many accept as being OK is far more difficult. But this is
what Jesus is calling us to do, to act on our beliefs and to live our
lives as His Beloved Disciples.
Lord, give me the ear to hear your word
Give me the heart to heed them
Give me the courage to act on them