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scientists. As a result of new understandings in science, we have a much greater un-
derstanding of the interaction between faith and reason. The more we look to the skiesˁ
as proclaimed in today˅s Gospelˁand the more we learn about the expanding Uni-
verseˁthe more we see evidence for the existence of God. In our age, science and re-
ligion are not mutually exclusive!
And, so we lay to rest our beloved Endeavor.
But, a new generation of young scientists and
theologians will take us to worlds yet unknown.
I am convinced that this spirit of discovery and
innovation will continue in both science and re-
ligion. We must continue to probe how Jesus˅
saying in today˅s Gospel is relevant in the 21
century. I would argue that our faith, as pro-
claimed by Jesus Christ, is extremely vital in our
new century. It is with confidence and hope
that we turn this future over to a new genera-
tionˎthe generation currently at play in our Holy
Family playground. I have great faith in their
youthful energy, enthusiasm and hope. The
Endeavor may now rest in peace, but its spirit will live on. To use Monsignor Connolly˅s
metaphor, ˈThe Gospel according to The Endeavorˉ is one of adventure and faithful, ex-
pansive and graceful service. May we persevere in this same spirit in our walk of faith in
Jesus Christ as we link our faith with reason and our faith with our world so filled with
need. This is the promise for our next generation and I will look on their efforts with joy
and aweˁjust as I did from the rooftop on September 21
Lord, help us to interpret our time in wisdom and truthˁalways grounded in our faith in
Jesus Christ. And, help us to encourage and mentor a new generation of faithful Chris-
tians who will look into the Universe and see the possibilities for global justice, collabo-
ration and unity.ˉ