Vigil of the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29
Acts 13:16-17, 22-25
Matthew 1:1-25
In the Hebrew Scripture reading from today, G-d recounts what he has done for
Israel. G-d then promises King David, through the words of the prophet Nathan,
that his kingdom will endure forever. In the Gospel reading, we hear the Canticle
of Zechariah, further proclaiming the goodness of G-d and G-d’s action in the
In the Gospel reading today, Zechariah states that light will “break upon us, to
shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death and to guide
our feet into the way of peace.”This is a beautiful, profound image for the day
before Christmas. Many of us will gather this evening to attend Christmas Eve
services. Many of us are looking with excitement and anticipation for all that
Christmas day promises: time spent with loved ones, delicious food, gifts,
warmth, joy and laughter. But there are those among us, in our parish and in
our global community, who are dwelling in darkness. Mothers are without their
sons today.There is unrest in our country and the pain and suffering of the
world continues to be an ever present reality. In these fraught times what are
we to make of the promises of today’s readings?
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said,“the arc of the moral universe is long, but
it bends towards justice.”Our readings today show that this hope has endured
for thousands of years.The speakers in our readings can readily identify the
ways in which G-d has acted in their lives and in their communities and remind
us that G-d’s promises are fulfilled.As Catholic Christians we see Jesus as our
guide into way of peace.As we gather with our loved ones tonight, let us re-
member that G-d guides our feet, Jesus guides
our heart, but it is we who must take the steps.
As co-builders of the kingdom with our Lord,
we are continually invited, today and through-
out the year, to turn from the paths that lead to
brokenness and instead walk onto the road of
peace. G-d sent us a guide in living flesh, G-d
incarnate, to show us the way. In this manner,