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1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51
Psalm 144:1B, 2, 9-10
Mark 3:1-6
Despite his youth, and lack of battle experience, David goes to
find the Philistine and fight him. When David arrives, the Phil-
istine sees David armed with only a staff, and tells him he’ll kill
him and leave him dead for the birds and beasts. David tells
the Philistine he will kill him in the name of the Lord, then flings
a stone at the Philistine, striking him right in the forehead, then,
cuts off the Philistine’s head.
We’ve all heard the story of David and Goliath. We read a much milder version of
this story to our children. The story in Samuel
is much harsher than the story in our children’
s Bible storybook, and we had really forgotten
about the beheading altogether.
What does it mean? In an age where we are
critical and aware of violence done in the
name of God, and in fact, violence in the
name of God often brings up thoughts of ter-
rorism, how does this story fit in to our beliefs
in our loving God?
David was fearless. How could that be? He was a young, inexperienced fighter,
armed with his staff and some stones. He was fighting the Philistine! A gi-
ant! But David was also armed with the faith that God would take care of him.
How difficult is it to let go of fear? We may not be facing giants, or the prospect
of having our bodies left out for the birds and beasts, but we each have
fears. Fear that a paycheck won’t last until the next, fear of public speaking, fear
that we are inadequate, as parents, or at our jobs, or as a whole.