Page 61 - Lent2012v3b

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God˅s gracious and merciful help... And that all was possible with God˅s sav-
ing grace and love.
I interpret the readings of today perhaps, a bit differently than the authors in-
tended, but they speak very clearly to me about the difficulty of trusting in
God fully just as Jesus unconditionally trusted in his Father throughout his life.
The readings present a kind of paradox? It˅s often when life presents its most
daunting challenges that we seek God˅s help. But when life goes smoothly we
tend not be as close to God or have need of him. Why? Well the readings
touch on this point, but to really understand the ˈwhyˉ we must first look
thoughtfully within ourselves. And this is a much trickier situation because the
person who is preventing you from putting your life unconditionally in God˅s
hands is located inside your head! And it tells you ˈyou can˅tˉ.
Reading these scriptures and Christ˅s example emboldens me, and hopefully
you, to tell that little voice, ˈyes, I can!ˉ You˅re not going to stop me, not this
time. God is too important. I know I can... I will set a clear goal, just like
climbing a mountain, and entrust my life into God˅s care.
Dear gracious and merciful Lord, please strengthen us in these wondrous
times to strive for that which is real and embodies your pure love. Help us to
understand that when we say we ˄can˅t˅, this only demonstrates to each of us
what we really need to do... and that with you by our side, anything is possi-
Andrea Favilli