Page 11 - Nov2012v1

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truly be blessed. Jesus is teaching us that we must focus on those
truly in need. It is easy to give a friend a gift because they will likely
return the favor sometime down the road. But what about the
stranger, the family in need, the homeless man on the corner, the ad-
dict? Are these people easy to lend a hand to? Do we lend a hand to
these people? We are called to be in communion ˀ the sharing or
exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings ˀ with everyone par-
ticularly those who need it, who need to be lifted up. Jesus is re-
minding us that by being in communion and uniting with all, we are
truly being and becoming
comm-unity ˀ a group or society that
helps each other.
Lord, help us to see those around us. Help us to put others before
ourselves and to see their needs. Help us to lift each other up and to
join together with all those around us. We ask for strength, clarity,
and initiative. Amen.
Holy Family Parishioner