The Feast of Saint Leo the Great, pope and
doctor of the Church
Phil 4:10-19,
Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a and 9,
Luke 16:9-15
Jesus talks about how a servant cannot
serve two masters.
We as Christians deal with people, situations, events and struggles
each day we make decisions that affect not only ourselves but our
loved ones, total strangers whom we come in contact with. When we
make choices that does not feed our Spirit, we have chosen what our
Lord calls "Dishonest Wealth".
This "wealth" adds nothing to our lives, leaving us in darkness, won-
dering "why did I do that?" When we struggle with wrong decisions is
when God whispers to us "I love you, that person reached out for
help, help them as I help you".
With those decisions that cause the Spirit to question comes wis-
dom. The "eternal dwelling" wealth what the Lord desires in all of us.
There are those who trust us with their confidence, their troubles, and
their sorrows. Will I be a trustworthy friend who will hold that confi-