Romans 1:16-25
Psalm 19:2-3, 4-5
Luke 11:37-41
To know God is to know that He is in everything around us. The birds,
the trees, nature, air
water - all are God’s creation. No further proof is
necessary. We have to see beyond those earthly things, however, and
realize that they are because of Him. That
why we have to worship
not the things of earth.
Sometimes it is hard to believe in something we can’t see, touch, hear
or perceive with our five senses. It is hard to imagine anything beyond
our own tangible world. But the fact
that the world exits and every-
thing in it is itself a manifestation of God. So when people ask for proof, it is right
in front of them.
God’s truth is therefore universal and beyond religion. For a person who truly be-
lieves in God’s truth believes beyond any religion. They believe in the Truth with a
capital "T". "It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes
Jew first, and then Greek. For in it is revealed the righteousness of God from faith
to faith.
It is not the for-
malities and ritu-
als that make us
righteous or bring
us closer to God.
Do we as people
crave ritual to
make real that
which we cannot
perceive? Yes, of
course. But the