point is not to lose sight of the eternal Truth of God, which is so beyond our own
comprehension that we all we can do is give Him praise and glory.
In relating the mystery of God to our own lives, our goodness is internal and eter-
nal. Our goodness is not marked by "observing the prescribed washing before the
meal". Jesus said to the Pharisee that it is what is on the inside of a person that
matters. Observing rituals means nothing without a true understanding of God.
When you nurture your soul through prayer, and when you try to get closer to
God’s Truth, then everything will fall into place. You won’t need to worry about
the little things. It will all come together.
Dear heavenly Father, please guide me and my family in knowing You. Help us to
understand You, and to know your Truth. Be with us, and bless us always. Amen.
Alisa Sandoval