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share our faith, our light. We evangelize with the way we live our lives, with the
way we treat others, all others. The light we share is the truth we know from the
Gospel and from our own hearts.
When we finally get to the point of letting go and falling in love with Jesus Christ
we cannot help talking about Him. It is as with any new love ˀ or true love ˀ we
want to tell everyone, ˈI˅m in love, I˅m in love, I˅m in love and He loves me!! AND
ˀ He loves you too!!ˉ And when we are in love, especially in the early throes of
love, or in a re-ignited love, we
. We are a light in the world and people will
want what we have, an inner-peace, a quiet confidence, and true joy. Again, we
evangelize best with the way we live our lives. The more we love, the more love
will be given to us, just as Jesus tells us in the Gospel.
When we truly love and let ourselves be loved, we become like lighted candles
floating down a waterway at night bringing a beautiful river of light to a dark
world, and people will want to jump in. God made you as you ˀ as the only per-
fect representation of that part of Himself. Give your light to the World and eve-
rything will be given to you.
I came to You late, O Beauty so ancient and new. I came to love You late. You
were within me and I was outside where I rushed about wildly searching for You
like some monster loose in Your beautiful world. You were with me but I was not
with You. You called me, You shouted to me, You wrapped me in Your Splen-
dour, You broke past my deafness, You bathed me in Your Light, You sent my
blindness reeling. You gave out such a delightful fragrance and I drew it in and
came breathing hard after You. I tasted, and it made me hunger and thirst; You
touched me, and I burned to know Your Peace.
St. Augustine of Hippo
Volunteer Coordinator