Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Genesis 3:9-15, 20
Psalm 98:1, 2-3AB, 3CD-4
Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12
Luke 1:26-38
The readings begin with the classic story in Genesis of the discovery by God that
Adam and Eve had eaten the apple in the Garden of Eden, after Eve is tempted
by the serpent. They are banished from the Garden, and the serpent is punished.
The second reading is Paul’s letter to Ephesians, where we are told we are
blessed and chosen by God. The Gospel then lightens our celebration with the
Annunciation, where Mary is visited by the archangel Gabriel, and she is told that
she will bear the Savior of the World.
A long time ago I used to help with the senior high school retreats called Kairos.
There was one talk called the “Results of God’s Friendship.” I remember one of
my colleagues starting this talk with, “There is nothing you can do to separate
yourself from the love of God.” This concept is so liberating and yet so difficult
to believe.
In today’s first reading Adam and Eve commit the “first sin” in the garden. When
questioned by God both of them point the finger away from themselves blaming
Eve or the serpent. How often have I blamed another for my mistakes and my
sins? Hard to calculate.
In the second reading, from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, praise is given to God
for giving us the greatest gift, Jesus. In this season of gifting, I am reminded that
Jesus is the reason I give gifts. Once again, we
are called to follow the example of our God. We
don’t give gifts because we can, we give gifts
because we want to be like our God, who so
lovingly gave us Jesus and Jesus gave us him-
self in Eucharist, and his life on the cross. Am I
worthy of such gifts?