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Worthy? There in lies the difficulty for me. To believe I am worthy and that there is

nothing I can do to stop God from loving me.

In the Gospel today we hear Luke’s eloquent description of the annunciation. I am

astounded how a very young girl had the courage necessary to say yes to an angel

and more importantly become the mother of our God. This solemnity, often con-

fusing, as we listen to the narrative about Jesus’ incarnation when we are celebrat-

ing the immaculate nature of Mary.

To bring this rambling post to full circle,

let me remind myself and all of you read-

ing this, that there is nothing you can do

to separate yourself from God. Adam

and Eve tried, but God allowed them to

move on and become our first parents.

Paul lets us know that even when hu-

manity had failed and missed the point,

our God continued to the waiting partner

in the dance of life, including offering his

own son to be our dance partner, Jesus

walked, talked, prayed, healed and

showed us the way to live. And even

though I never really feel worthy, God

continues to say, “But I love you and

want to always be with you..” Mary’s

yes, continues to be an inspiration. A

young girl putting her life in the hands of God. I hope to honor that gesture by be-

lieving in the liberating qualities of knowing God’s love and everyday attempting to

live a life worthy of such enormous love.


Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and

blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us

sinners now, and at the hour of our death.