Hi All,
As we continue our journey, things are coming together. Our ability to understand the materials and participate in the discussion is getting better. We will be leading the prayer service on December 3rd with a working title of “The Gift of Prayer” focusing on the first Sunday of Advent. Below is our summary of Saturday’s class.
Comments are always welcome!
On October 20, 2012, we attended our latest class. We were happy to see our classmates again.
The morning was spent in Spiritual Direction as usual. The first two hours are spent in opening prayer, continued learning about the 19th annotation, and meeting with our Spiritual Director. We continue to savor this time.
After Spiritual Direction, we started the class portion of the day. This portion was led by Deacon Chris and his wife Yvonne. We began with Morning Prayer (the Divine Office) conducted by fellow aspirants. Having learned the Divine Office during the last class, it went very well.
An open discussion about the Vatican II document on Divine Revelation, also reviewing the homework which was submitted during the last session. This discussion was intertwined with being honest during prayer. Do we see God’s revelation to us if we are not being honest about ourselves when we pray? God continues to be revealed to us each day, if we are not honest in our prayer, we may miss it.
Lunch was great. Both the English and Spanish Aspirants braved the drizzle and ate together outside. We shared great food, drink and dessert. Bringing the two classes, English and Spanish together, sharing all aspects of the journey, the conversations were spirited and heartfelt.
The work on reading the Old Testament was continued after lunch. The first five books of the Bible were discussed included those who are attributed with its writing. The history and the archaeology of the Middle East were also included, with a lively discussion about the difference between Tradition and written scripture and how the two affected the workings of the early books of the Bible.
We concluded the day with Evening Prayer or Vespers which we led along with two other aspirants. Future classes will end with a prayer services prepared by each Aspirancy couple. This will be done for most of the remaining classes.
This class was much more interactive than previous classes. When the class concluded, we felt less tired than in the past. The amount of information provided was done at a more manageable pace.
We continue our journey with our classmates, our Instructors and Spiritual Directors, our friends, the community of Holy Family, and each other.
If you have any questions about the Diaconate, please ask us or send us an e-mail to wyb@wyb.com. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support and will continue to keep you informed of our journey.
Candy & Jay Krueger,
Aspirancy Year, Deacon Couple Formation,
Holy Family Parish, South Pasadena