Holy Family Church has more than 50 different ministries where you can find your place. If you are a seeker wishing to learn about the faith, or a pilgrim desiring to deepen your faith, the hand of Christ wanting to reach out to others or a leader striving to use your gifts to further empower your faith community, there is a need for you at Holy Family.
Please contact our Parish Administrator, Father Ricardo Viveros at frricardo@holyfamily.org, with any questions.
Please consider finding out about and/or engaging in one of the more ministries below. Or, if you see a need which has not been addressed, there is a method for starting a new ministry.
Adult Confirmation
Mission StatementHoly Family Adult Confirmation Sacramental Preparation provides a lively and welcoming process for adults to complete the Sacraments of Initiation. About Adult Confirmation The Adult Confirmation process is a fun interactive opportunity for Catholics who have not had the opportunity to receive the sacrament …

Altar Servers
Mission Statement Holy Family, a Eucharistic community, invites its young people and adults to serve at the table of the Lord. Altar Servers help facilitate our Eucharistic liturgies in a regular and reverent manner. About the Ministry Serving the people of God while we worship …

Bereavement Ministries
In Remembrance Of…(IRO) Serves the needs of those who have experienced the death of a loved one. By the grace of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we offer prayerful solace, comfort, and help to members of our Catholic Community who are mourning. …

Bible Study
“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path” – Psalm 119 Let us be your anchor to faith… Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89775722560?pwd=V1R1eGYvSndadFpKeVhyeHd5eEVKQT09 Meeting ID: 897 7572 2560Passcode: TheWord Joining a Bible study offers the opportunity to deepen your understanding of Scripture …

Blessed Mother Prayer Group
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 History of the Blessed Mother Prayer Group In 1987, a group of Holy Family parishioners visited Medugorje, Yugoslavia (at …
Block Rosary Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Meetings The group meets the 2nd & last Sundays of the month. About the Block Rosary and Divine Mercy Prayer Goup Beyond the rites and liturgies of the Church, the Lord wishes discipline and prayer that reach out to the good of others. It is …
Boy Scouts
SCOUTS BSA (Youth 11 – 17) Troop 333 – Parish Based SETTING A COURSE FOR ADVENTURE Some kids avoid obstacles. Scouts at Holy Family overcome them. Troop 333 was founded 90 years ago and has been registered for over 60 consecutive years. Scouts BSA Troop 333 is …

Catechist Formation, Faith Formation Center
Mission Statement Holy Family Education Formation team seeks to have all catechists who serve the people of Holy Family to be well formed in the Catholic Faith, pastorally sensitive with all learners, and Christ-like in all ways. About One Mission One Faith, Ministry Formation Centers …

Catholic Communications (Toastmasters Club)
Mission Statement The Catholic Communication Ministry (CCM) is committed to the development of communication and leadership skills in an atmosphere of Christian fellowship. CCM offers the opportunity to belong to a community of faith in a new way. Please join us on the 2nd and …
Choir, 11:15 a.m.
The 11:15 choir is made up of women and men of all ages. Some of the choir members are professional singers, some are current or past members of the Los Angeles Master Chorale and others sing exclusively for the 11:15 Choir. All share a love of working together to create beautiful music to the glory of God.