Father Ricardo Viveros
Associate Pastor
Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
Priest in Residence
Fr. Leo Ortega
Pastor Emeritus
As Pastor Emeritus, Monsignor Connolly provides a spiritual and pastoral guiding presence and nourishes faith life primarily through Eucharistic Liturgy and other sacramental celebrations.
Deacon Couple
Although only the husband is ordained as a Permanent Deacon, the wife usually has completed the five years of formation along with her husband (which includes all of the readings, homework, and class attendance) and shares in many aspects of the ministry.
- Deacon Jay & Candy Krueger
Lay Staff
Holy Family is blessed with a large and talented lay staff. Assisting the Pastor and the priests are lay persons working on a full-time basis and managing the key ministries of the parish. A support staff of other lay persons handle the operational, clerical, janitorial, and maintenance tasks of our parish complex. For each of the five areas of parish life — Worship, Education/Formation, Outreach ,and Community Life, — there is a staff member engaged in that ministry area and representing that particular area on the corresponding commission. (see Commissions).
Finance Council
The Finance Council is the chief advisory body to the Pastor on fiscal matters. The Finance Council is composed of the Pastor, the Business Manager, and a volunteer group of 8 parishioners with expertise in financial matters. (see Finance Council)
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is the chief advisory body to the Pastor for parish planning. The Pastoral Council is composed of the Pastor and a volunteer group of 12 parishioners who provide overall vision and direction to the parish, particularly through the five commissions which represent the five facets of parish life. (see Pastoral Council)
The four facets of parish ministry — Worship, Education/Formation, Outreach, and Community Life, — each have a body of eight to 15 parishioners who carry out activities in their respective areas through subcommittees and lend direction to the ministries which fall within their purview. Each commission has a full-time lay staff member on it.