Known as FAME, (Family and Marriage Enrichment ministry), we are couples with a common desire to enrich our relationship with our spouse and to strengthen the bond with our family and community. We provide a safe space for all to learn and to share openly their joys and struggles in living their sacrament. We provide resources, tools, talks, and workshops relevant to family and married life through virtual and in-person gatherings.
- A world where the sacrament of marriage is strong, family life is enriched, cherished, and supported by the community.
- To help married couples live their sacrament as God intends
- To help couples continue to grow and deepen their relationship and commitment to each other
- To help families strengthen their bond with each other and their community
- Marriage is a Sacrament and an invitation from God
- Love is a choice and a commitment
- The greatest gift we can give our children is to love our spouse
- We honor and respect our spouse
- We strive to help our spouse grow
- We cannot change others, but we can change ourselves
Curious? Intrigued? Want to give your relationship a boost?
Contact Joe & Thuy Onstott at LOVE@holyfamily.org or via text or mobile at (818) 667-5530 for more information.