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a daily basis: pray to the Lord? We all

pray to the Lord in our own way for

blessings- not for worldly possessions like

more money, or a better car or house,

but rather the spiritual blessings we hope

to receive from the Lord to enrich our

lives. In Zechariah’s case, this was the

blessing of a child for him and Elizabeth;

this might be something that some of us

ARE praying for, but it can be widened

to a myriad of options depending on

each of our unique lives. And doesn’t the story get to the essence of what we ALL must

have in our lives, and that is faith in God? We must have faith in that which we cannot

see or touch, but must KNOW and BELIEVE deep in our souls, that God is there, He

does hear our prayers, and He WILL bless us in ways that we may not always see coming

our way. We must continue to pray, we must continue to have faith in God, and we

must believe that through those prayers and faith, blessing will be bestowed upon us.

I struggle with this often, because I go through my daily life focusing on what is right here

in front of me: my family, my job, my house, my possessions, my friends, etc. We can

ALL get lost in that daily life without stepping back, reflecting on our Catholic faith and

our God that matters far more than what we see and touch and live on a daily basis.

THAT is where the real blessings will come from, but to receive them I must focus more

on my faith in God, offering my prayers, and preparing myself through my faith and

prayers to be in position to receive those blessings, in whatever form they do come and

whenever they do come- without faith and prayer, I will essentially wander aimlessly

through my daily life, leaving myself unprepared to potentially receive the Lord’s gifts and



Lord, grant me the wisdom to have faith in you everyday, to believe in you and to live

my life everyday in a way that honors that faith. Grant me the vision to see what I cannot

touch and trust in its beauty and purity.


Michael James

Parishioner / member of Holy Family School Board

Wife Julie, sons Owen (HFS Kindergarten) / Ryan (HFS 4

