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KruegersblogCandy and I do not have any of our Diaconate formation classes over the summer.  Since there will be a number of months before our next series of classes start, I thought that I would share some FAQ’s about the Diaconate.  As always, please don’t hesitate to respond or to contact me with any questions about becoming a deacon or about these blogs,  Jay Krueger.


1. There are no Deacons at Holy Family Parish

2. Deacons are ordained clergy. 








1. FALSE. Each priest is ordained as a transitional (temporary) deacon prior to being ordained a priest. A priest is not “un-ordained” a deacon prior to being ordained a priest. Each priest has all of the rights and duties of a deacon because he is a deacon. Holy Family does not currently have any permanent deacons.

2. TRUE. There are three levels of holy orders in the Catholic Church. The diaconate is the first level; it functions as the service ministry of Christ. In other words, deacons are servants, called to embody the work of Christ in service of justice, the Word and the altar. There are as many ways of serving as there are deacons. All deacons can baptize, witness marriages, bring the Viaticum (Eucharist) to the dying, and preside at funerals. They proclaim the gospel and may serve as the homilist at mass. Like John the Baptist, they lead a prophetic life of service for the benefit of the Church.

The priesthood is the second level of holy orders. A priest is ordained a deacon prior to being ordained a priest. Priests stand in the place of Christ himself as they celebrate the sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Anointing of the Sick. They carry a spiritual responsibility for the community of faith they serve. Through the sacraments and ministries of the Church, priests manifest the presence of Christ in the world.

Bishops are ordained to the fullness of holy orders. They fully convey the leadership of Christ as Prophet, Priest and King. They shepherd the churches entrusted to their care (with the help of priests and deacons), and safeguard the gospel that has been passed down to us from the Apostles themselves. They lead their dioceses in communion with the Pope and all the other bishops of the world.


Original article taken from the May 14, 1995 issue of “Catholic Twin Circle.” 

If you are interested in becoming a Deacon Couple, please contact:

Diaconate Formation Office
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
3424 Wilshire Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241


If you have any questions about the Diaconate, please ask us or send us an e-mail to  We greatly appreciate your prayers and support and will continue to keep you informed of our journey.

Candy & Jay Krueger,

Aspirancy Year, Deacon Couple Formation,

Holy Family Parish, South Pasadena

Holy Family Church