How is the Pope Elected?

Last month, on March 13th, the Catholic Church welcomed our 266th Pope as head of the worldwide Catholic Church, Bishop of Rome and Sovereign of the Vatican City State.  Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina, born in Latin America, but Italian by descent, chose the name of Francis as he accepted his election as Supreme Pontiff and assumed his new role, following in the footsteps of St. Peter. The media swarmed Rome and the Vatican City to cover …

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Diaconate Journey Continues – Stations of the Cross

Our latest class was March 16th at the Immaculate Community Center in Glendale. After the usual class format we had reports from the from the Religious Education Congress and prayed the Stations of the Cross. We like the Immaculate Community Center because we have our class in the gym. Most people do not think of a gym as a great place for a class, let alone for the Stations of the Cross, but it worked well! The gym allows you …

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The Diaconate Journey Continues – Forgive and Forget?

Since our last post about the Religious Education Congress was quite lengthy, this one will be short. Our last formation class was March 2nd at the Alemany High School in Mission Hills. After the regular schedule we had discussion regarding what we are to bring to the Seder Meal on March 23 at St. Margaret Mary in Lomita, Deacon Craig & Anne Marie Siegman’s Parish. We then learned the second part of the Liturgy of the Hours which included being …

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Conversion of a Different Nature

by Evelyn Barge Conversion technology may sound like a machine designed to swap out American dollars for euros or pesos, but the reality is much different. These technologies actually transform solid waste into useful products—particularly renewable energy. Here in the Los Angeles area and the U.S. at large, waste-to-energy conversion systems are still an up-and-coming concept. But in many parts of the world, conversion technologies are already in place providing energy for entire populations. In Sweden, for example, the waste …

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The Diaconate Journey Continues – Heartfelt Prayers

Our most recent diaconate formation session was at Alamany High School February 16th. We would like to share our impressions of the afternoon Prayer Service and what was referred to as a “Soaking” Prayer. Shortly after we started the year, each couple was assigned a date to conduct a prayer service. We thought that after the initial working out of the technical aspects, the prayer services would reach a peak and then level off. If that is the case, then …

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Holy Family Men’s Retreat

Holy Family Parish Retreat for men will be held at the Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in the city of Sierra Madre on the weekend on March 15-17. Join the Men of Holy Family in prayer with the Passionist retreat team on the lovely grounds with the peaceful atmosphere of Mater Dolorosa. Check-in starts at 3:00 p.m. on Friday and concludes early Sunday afternoon after Mass.  The theme is Memory of the Passion (a perfect lenten reflection). Requested donation is $180.00 …

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What Being A Deacon Couple Means…

On February 2, 2013 we attended our most recent class at the Incarnation Community Center in Glendale.  The week prior we attended a powerful Marriage Encounter Weekend held in Encino at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center. We want to blog on the call of couples who enter the diaconate formation and why some couples may leave before completing the program. In January our class discussed the departure a couple who had been on the diaconate journey with us. It is …

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Holy Family Parish Mission February 25-27

The fruits of our Parish Mission Being a Catholic in the 21st Century A Parish Mission for all Young Adults, Adults and Seniors with Father Richard Leonard, SJ. Parish Missions are a time for us to reflect on where we have been, where we are and where we are going. This mission will focus on the issues that confront us as Christians in the contemporary world and offer practical direction about how we can live a deeper life of faith. …

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Anchors of Faith in the Days Ahead

January 31, 2013 Dear Friends: In my email to you last Friday, I mentioned that a further 20,000 pages of documents from clergy files would be released by the Archdiocese sometime in the next few weeks.  In fact the documents have just been released today. Archbishop Gomez has written a letter to the people of the Archdiocese, which you can access at , along with the other statements on the clergy abuse files. The Archdiocese will shortly be posting the …

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A Letter From Cambria

My dear friends: Like me, you may have been deeply saddened, upset, and even angered by the further revelations published in the LA Times earlier this week concerning the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the priest sex abuse scandal.  More painful and difficult revelations are likely to follow with the release of the 20,000 pages of documents by the Archdiocese sometime in the next few weeks.   Statements from the Archdiocese concerning the released documents can be accessed at The …

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