Diaconate Journey Continues….

February 2014 While the focus of this week’s class was lector training and the works of St. Paul, we would like to discuss an item that was just a few moments in length but had a great impact on the day. This was the first lector training class that was held after the loss of our sister Tess. Sister Karen had put together a roster and was calling each of our names. As each of our names was called, we …

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App for LIFE!

ARCHBISHOP GOMEZ LAUNCHES VIRTUAL COMMUNITY TO SAVE REAL LIVES   Archbishop José H. Gomez, joined by health leaders, mothers and babies, launched a digital App designed to offer prayers, resources and support for thousands of women and girls nationwide in crisis pregnancies. Today’s launch, at Guadalupe Medical Center in the Los Angeles community of Koreatown (3020 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 219), coincides with the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. “Today we are taking a big step to expand our circle of care and concern for unborn …

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February 15 Prayers for Children – Refugees

February 15, 2014. On the 15th, let us as a global community direct our thoughts, prayers and blessings to refugees scattered around the globe. A United Nation’s report numbers refugees at 45.2 million people. 80% live in camps in poor countries. They live in camps ranging from 46,000 people to 138,000 or more. This overwhelming number includes many children and youth. These are a generation of damaged children – no family life – no education – no health care – …

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Diaconate Journey Continues… How we see

January 18, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… At the end of today’s class, we will have completed half of the classes for this year. Or, to put it another way, we have only three and a half years to go. It reminded some of us of when we were younger, when that half of a year truly made a difference in your age.  In March of this year, it will be three years since we started to discern and pray …

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Kindred Spirits enjoy Gods & Gifts

Six members of the Kindred Spirits had a great time at the Bower’s Museum this Saturday, enjoying the “Gods & Gifts:  Vatican Ethnological Collection” exhibition (not to mention the spectacular jewelry in the Van Cleef  & Arpels exhibit).  Consider joining us (40+ singles) for our monthly mass and dinner on the first Saturday of the month.  Please contact ,Linda Long, at kindredspirits@holyfamily.org for more information.  

Diaconate Journey Continues…dash between the dates

January 4, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… Today is our first class of the New Year. We continued our discussion of the Gospel of John as well as our bereavement training. The bereavement training is what we will be discussing. The speaker today was Veronica Scarpelli who is a Grief Recovery Specialist, Bereavement Coordinator and on the Committee for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Veronica discussed the cause and effect of suicide. She talked about it from both a …

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January 15 – Prayers for Children

January 15, 2014 – In our shared humanity and dignity, let us join in prayer, blessing and thought for the world’s children, their families, and caretakers. We are a global family united in the love and care of all family members especially our children and youth. The problems and concerns are many and universal. All people share the same needs and basic necessities. Let us make a difference. Let us be one worldwide community – caring and supporting one another. …

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Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

 Mission Statement Holy Family, as an initiating community, nurtures individuals on their faith journeys, challenging them to live the Gospel message as Catholic Christians. New Inquiry (Precatechumenate) session to begin following Easter Join our warm and welcoming team and you look at the Catholic way of life.  Pope Francis said, “Find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner of the world.” RCIA is one way this community attempts to share the good news about Jesus Christ …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…

December 14, 2013 by Jay and Candy Krueger Since our last blog entry,  we have prepared and conducted the Vigil Service for our “Diaconate- Sister” Tess.  Jay attended the funeral and we had classes on the 7th and 14th of December. The focus of this blog is  our Sister Tess’ services. Through a conference call, we prepared a rough draft of the Vigil Service for Tess as well as assign roles to various members of our Deaconate Year. The majority of …

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Prayers for Children

December 15, 2013 – In world unity and shared humanity, let us bless, pray and think positively for the good of all children and youth. As many of us celebrate religious and national holidays, may we remember the children and youth in need. Many are forgotten – alone on the streets – no food – no warmth – nowhere to lay their head – no loving family. They have no hope of gifts and the joy of celebration. Also remember …

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