Diaconate Journey – Fellowship

On June 15th, we attended our last diaconate formation class for this year at Valyermo (aka St. Andrew’s Abbey) in the high desert near Palmdale. OK, so this was our last meeting, what are we going to write? Fellowship is the answer. When we are in a van for two hours or at an Abbey, there was time to talk and share with our fellow classmates. Yes, we know that we have completed our first year of formation together and …

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Diaconate Journey – Ordination

Jay Krueger shares his thoughts as he attends the diaconate ordination at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral on June 9th.   Although the ordination was not part of formation, it was the first time I’d seen someone that I knew be ordained as a Permanent Deacon. The ceremony was well attended, even with extra chairs, people were standing. The aspect of the ceremony that always touches me is when  the current Permanent Deacons,  with their wives next to them, are the …

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June 15 – Pray for Children!

June 15 – Prayers for Children. Joining in world unity, let us focus our thoughts, blessings, and prayers to children who are abused and raped. This is sexual abuse of the littlest to teens forced into prostitution……. The stories dominate the news reports. It is in countries at war, slums, our neighborhoods, schools and families. Let us remember these children and hope for intervention and rehabilitation. Thank you Women of India, People of China, Africa and all concerned who make …

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Diaconate Journey – June 1st

On June 1st, we attended our diaconate formation class at the St. Louis of France in La Puente. This was our last all group meeting. The day consisted of the liturgy of the hours, a retreat and a closing prayer service. It was also the last time that we will see our Spanish classmates until the fall. The liturgy of the hours was very special because the Oscar Romero class was present.  It is this class that will be ordained …

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Diaconate Journey as a Deacon Couple

On May 4th, we attended our diaconate formation class at the Alemany High School in Mission Hills. The main focus of this class was to look at what it would be like to be a Deacon Couple. We watched two videos; one about being a Deacon and one about being the wife of a Deacon. We then were handed a list of seven questions about being a Deacon Couple and possible issues that could arise. Each couple took 30 minutes …

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Diaconate Journey Continues – Ignatian Spirituality

May 18th was our last Spiritual Direction and the turning in of our last homework as Deacon Aspirants. We also spent the afternoon with Jerry Frumento who is a passionate instructor on the Old Testament. Our last Spiritual Direction marked the completion of the 19th Annotation of the St. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. This, like so many other aspects of this year seemed so far away last September.  Each member of the Aspirancy Diaconate group met with their Spiritual Director, which was …

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May 15 – Pray for Children

May 15 – Prayer Day for Children. Let us join in world unity by focusing our blessing, prayer and thought to children who are hungry and starving. In Somalia 130,000 children died of starvation – in Haiti children eat mud pies – in Brazil the garbage pickers – Russia the sewage dwellers – Syria the refugee camps -the long lines at US food banks……….. the list continues in every country. Let us also include in our prayers that politics no …

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World Day of Prayer For Vocations

In 1963, Pope Paul VI designated the fourth Sunday of Easter, or Good Shepherd Sunday, as World Day of Prayer for Vocations.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reminds us that the purpose of World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publically fulfill the Lord’s instruction to “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2). The primary focus of this Feast is to pray that men and women who are …

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Diaconate Journey Continues- Mental Illness

Here is our latest Blog. We hope that what we have provided will have a similar impact to the reader as an experience that brought us to tears did. We deeply pray that the subject of Mental Illness will be discussed, education occur and action taken. Our latest Diaconate class on April 20th included a communion service, a meeting with Dr. William Shaules, the facilitator for the Year 1 Candidacy class, and a two and a half hour discussion on …

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Michele Silveri

 “Volunteering, making a difference, that’s what gives me life” says Michele Silveri, “Meesh” to her friends. Michele began her volunteer career at Holy Family when she moved from New York to South Pasadena 20 years ago. Her daughter Danielle went through Holy Family School and she started as a board-member for Religious Education.  For many years she set-up the playground for carpool – every day!   In 2002 she joined the Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) and has been its president for …

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