We had a lecture yesterday on the remarkable Hildegarde of Bingen. Dr. Nancy Fierro presented Hildegarde of Bingen as dazzling, creative, gutsy, and compassionate. And she was! Hildegarde was an amazing ray of light in medieval times. She composed songs and music, wrote books and poetry, she painted, lectured, advised and helped people throughout her whole life. She would have been an amazing blogger! She was extremely knowledgeable on herbal remedies and medicines of the time and wrote books on the topic that are still undisputed today. She believed in living a joyful life and created safe spaces where women could do just that. She built two monasteries where women could practice their faith, sing, pray, and delve into herbal practices. She allowed the nuns in her charge to wear long white dresses, tiaras, and jewels on holy occasions. When criticized about that, she responded, “Don’t you know that women were created to radiate divine light and beauty?” How fantastic is that?
“Women were created to to radiate divine light and beauty”
Therefore, I was created to radiate divine light and beauty.
I love it! Here is a free printable to put next to your mirror to remind yourself every day that you too were created to radiate divine light and beauty. Hildegarde printable
What did you think? Anyone?