Believing as a Beloved Disciple and The Year of Faith

Dear Friends: As we anticipate the year ahead, I want to let you know what we have to look forward to here at Holy Family. Believing as a Beloved Disciple and The Year of Faith This year our parish theme is Believing as a Beloved Disciple.  Throughout this year, we will explore what it means to be a believer, a follower of Christ, in our modern world.   How do we model our faith in all aspects of our lives, not …

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Youth Confirmation

Mission Statement The Confirmation Process at Holy Family strives to lead teens and their households to a deeper experience of faith and a deeper relationship with God and God’s Church, and that the teens may be prepared to receive the sacrament of confirmation and live as disciples of Jesus Christ.  Click here to begin the registration process.

Holy Family Fall Festival

For more than 40 years, Holy Family Church has celebrated its strong sense of cautumnity by way of the Annual Parish Fair. This year is no exception!  On October 13 and 14, please join your fellow parishioners at the Holy Family Fall Festival & Raffle!!!  Come enjoy a cornucopia of live music and entertainment, Fall Festival classics and new surprises, delicious food and treats, games and rides for the whole family to enjoy! Wheat Need Fallunteers! Wheat need a lot …

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Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

This feast day represents the Church’s official act of homage and gratitude to Christ for instituting the Holy Eucharist, in which He gave the Church her greatest treasure.  It celebrates the fact that the Body and Blood of Christ are truly present in the Eucharist.  The Second Vatican Council proclaimed the following regarding the Eucharistic sacrifice: The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.  For the most holy Eucharist contains the Church’s entire spiritual wealth: Christ Himself, …

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At The Welcome Center

This Sunday, April 22 Did you know that Holy Family has an Environmental Ministry?  Be Sure to Stop by the Welcome Center this Sunday to learn about what they do and how you can be part of it. Representatives from the “Safeguard the Children” Ministry will also be on hand to answer questions and give information.

Statement By Archbishop José H. Gomez On Federal Rules Requiring Contraceptive Coverage

STATEMENT ON NEW FEDERAL RULES REQUIRING RELIGIOUS & OTHER EMPLOYERS TO PROVIDE CONTRACEPTIVE COVERAGE IN THEIR HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS By Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles President Barack Obama’s announcement on Friday concerning health care mandates is troubling and frustrating because unfortunately, he did not really respond to the deep moral concerns raised by America’s Catholic community. The government is still ordering almost every U.S. employer to provide health insurance that covers birth control, sterilization and abortion-causing …

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Bishops Renew Call to Legislative Action on Religious Liberty

Bishops Renew Call to Legislative Action on Religious Liberty. There has been a great deal of coverage in the news over the last few weeks about the Health and Human Services contraceptive mandate under the Affordable Care Act for women’s preventative care, and whether or not this is an infringement of religious liberty .  On February 10th, the Bishops posted their response to the compromise suggested by President Obama.  You can read their statement by clicking on the link above …

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Fr. Daniel Finn

Economics and Catholic Social Teaching

Dr. Daniel K. Finn, PhD, a leading author and scholar on the relationship between economics and Catholic social teaching, spoke on Connecting Spirituality, Markets & the Financial Crisis: The Moral Theology of Markets.

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Emergency Preparedness

Holy Family is indeed a family.  We care for each other and reach out to the members of our family and all others we can help.  Part of our approach has been developing an emergency preparedness guide for natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires and other disasters. 

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