Suggestions for prayer & practice during covid-19
This list is continuously updated. Let us know if you have something to add!
With Holy Family
- Feb. 14: Communion drive-thru distribution, including take-home ashes & other Lenten resources (12:30-1:30pm)
- Feb. 17: Take-home ashes drive-thru distribution
- Parish Lenten 2021 website with weekly programming & more
- Sunday’s – Let’s Lent Together
- Wednesday’s – Bible Study
- Friday’s – Lenten Lucis
- On the Road to Lent: Parish Mission 2021 (2/22-2/24)
With Trinity Young Adult Ministry
- Attend the virtual Mardi Gras Party on 2/16
- Join a small group for weekly or biweekly faith sharing
- Join the “Lent A.B.C. Night” on 3/9
- Sign up for a prayer partner
- Participate in the CRS “Rice Bowl” program & optional Trinity reflection gatherings
- Pray & reflect using our daily reading prompts on our Instagram & Facebook page
- Visit our Virtual Chapel to pray & post your intentions

With Young Adults in the LA Archdiocese
- View resources and ideas from LA Catholics
- Participate in virtual gatherings below by visiting YAM LA’s Instagram

Creating Sacred Space at Home
- See our “Lent 2021” Pinterest board for ideas
- Add a Lenten background to your phone, computer, or other device
Prayer & Spiritual Practice
- Awareness Examen
- From Ashes to Glory – praying the Examen in Lent by Joseph Tetlow, SJ
- Reimagining the Examen Flip Books from
- Celebrate the Saints (St. Patrick’s Day and St Joseph, for example)
- Centering prayer
- A guide from Contemplative Outreach
- Centering Prayer app (Apple)
- Centering Prayer app (Google Play)
- Daily devotions or reflections (books & emails)
- Best Lent Ever from Dynamic Catholic
- Christus Ministries – written by young adults & the young-at-heart
- Lent of Liberation– book with reflections based on history of American slavery
- Maryknoll Lenten Reflection Guide 2021 – weekly reflections
- General Pages
- Lenten Resources from
- Lent 2021: Our Journey Together Toward New Life from Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers
- Imaginative Contemplations
- Guided audio recordings from Pray-As-You-Go
- Guided audio recordings from Christus Ministries
- Lectio Divina with the daily readings
- Creative calendar approach from Praying In Color
- Sacred Space – short, self-paced written reflections with music
- Retreats/Prayer Series
- The First Spiritual Exercises on Wednesdays or Thursdays
- Guided Lenten audio retreat from Pray-As-You-Go
- 3-Minute Retreats from Loyola Press
- Lunchtime Examen – 6 session prayer series from
- A Retreat with Fr. Dennis Hamm, SJ
- The Rosary
- Rosary Reflections – guided audio meditations from Pray-As-You-Go
- Stations of the Cross
- Ecumenical Stations of the Cross from the USCCB
- Scriptural Way of the Cross from the USCCB
- Stations of the Cross for Overcoming Racism from the USCCB
- Virtual Stations of the Cross with visuals from Busted Halo
- Videos from CRS
- With reflections to remember those suffering around the world from CRS
- Taize prayer
- Attend a virtual prayer service with Christus Ministries
- Join the Taize community in France on their Facebook page or YouTube channel
- Visio Divina
- Other ways to grow spiritually: spiritual reading, podcasts, reflective walks, bible study
- Enjoy a simple meatless meal using Catholic Relief Service’s Lenten Recipes
- Try Meatless Mondays with a guide from the Sisters of Mercy
- Have an at-home “fish fry”
- Fast from habits that interfere with being available to God & others (ex. going to bed late & getting up late, lots of time on social media or watching television)
- “Unique Things to Give Up for Lent // Lent 2021” from Blessed Is She

- View our Lenten Giving page
- Watch “Lent in 3 Minutes” from Busted Halo
- “Lent” from Catholic Central
- “What’s the Purpose of Lent?” from Fr. Mike Schmitz (Ascension Presents)
- “Preparing for Lent” from Fr. Mike Schmitz (Ascension Presents)
- Read reflections & access other resources from Busted Halo
- Read Pope Francis’s latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti