March 15, 2022
This month we pray for all children in the Ukraine. Many have had to shelter in basements and subway stations while their cities are attacked. Those lucky enough to escape, have to travel for miles with their families in hopes of crossing into a safer country. Please keep them in your daily prayers so that their suffering ends and they are safe once again.
About Prayers for Children
Prayers for Children is a ministry for all faiths and denominations. It springs from a deep concern for all children – our own, our nation’s, the world’s… especially those trying to survive in deplorable conditions – children whose lives appear disposable.
Join us on Facebook.
When to Pray
Because it takes the whole world to pray for children, all are invited to bless and pray on the 15th of each month, in any way, alone or in community, for all children at home and abroad. Here at Holy Family, we will join in world prayer for children and encourage others to pray on the 15th of each month.
- Promote worldwide prayer and blessing for all children, especially the most vulnerable
- Increase understanding and acceptance of all children
- Open the hearts of those who disregard human life
- Encourage acts of charity and justice among all peoples
There are no committees, no meetings and no money involved – just the power of prayer!
Toward Transformation
“When we choose indifference we betray our world. Yet the world is not decided by action alone. It is decided by consciousness and spirit. The spirit of a time is incredibly subtle, yet hugely powerful force. And it is comprised of a mentality and spirit of all individuals together.
There is a huge force field that opens when intention focuses and directs itself toward transformation. There is incredible power in the mind when it directs itself toward an object. Blessing as powerful and positive intention can transform situations and people.” -John O’Donohue: To Bless the Space Between Us
Joining Us In Prayer
In the United States, Prayers for Children has been introduced in over 40 states. Prayers for Children has expanded globally as well. Joining us are people in: Italy, India, Brazil, England, Nicaragua, Spain, Ireland, the Philippines, Taiwan, Argentina, Mexico, Ghana, Congo, Germany Zambia, Canada, Nigeria, Australia, South Africa, Belgium Uganda, Guatemala, Peru, and Poland.
Joined in prayer are persons who are Buddhist, Catholic, Chinese Christian, Christian, Disciples of Christ, Congregationalist, Episcopalian, Jewish, Mormon, Methodist, Zen, Muslim and Presbyterian. Many people who are not affiliated with any specific church make an effort to think positively about children on the 15th of the month.
Religious and social organizations introduced to Prayers for Children are Convents, Monasteries, Abbeys, Girl Scout Troops, Women’s Clubs, a police station, Women at the Well, a Moms’ Prayer Group, Altar Societies, and schools and many more.
Prayers for Children has been translated into Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Arabic, and Braille. Please let us know of any other people, groups, churches and school that will join us in prayer. See Downloads for the different languages currently available.
Our spirit of oneness and focused power of blessings for children and youth can expand into action. It can be a personal commitment to help children. It can be donating to a charity of your choice.
Prayers for Children Brochure (Christian)
Prayers for Children Brochure (inter-faith)
Prayers for Children in Spanish
Prayers for Children in Chinese
Prayers for Children in Korean
Prayers For Children in French
Prayers For Children in Arabic
Prayers For Children in Portuguese
Prayers For Children in Japanese
Donna Gibson
Monthly Intentions & Prayers
April 15, 2021 A friend received a phone call. The man said, “I am a father. My son just came home after walking barefoot for miles. My son is seriously discouraged and lonely.” We now realize during the COVID-19 pandemic, that many of our children and teens have serious problems of loneliness and discouragement. They lack important connections with their peers. Let us join in prayer, blessing and positive thought for all our children during this COVID-19 pandemic. “Resilience is based on compassion for ourselves as well as compassion for others.” Sharon Salzberg
January 15, 2021 These are difficult times for all of us especially children and parents – so much discouragement, so much need. And “when you feel hope is gone, look inside you and be strong and you’ll see the truth – that hero lies in you.” ( M. Carey) We look at the lives of our families, our relatives, our ancestors and see courage and love in their lives. We need our belief in hope, our churches, synagogues, mosques, Buddhism and more. We are grateful and aware of our neighbors, first responders, those who work miracles in our hospitals and care facilities, our hope for a vaccine. Let us join in prayer, positive thought, and blessing for all in this New Year 2021.
December 15, 2020 This is the season of holidays and family gatherings. Covid 19 again may make these gatherings more difficult. Most important though are families together celebrating the holidays and continuing their traditions. We also think about the children taken from their families at the US border. We think about the children and teens dying as they cross the English Channel and the Mediterranean Sea. We remember the street children who have nowhere to lay their head. We include all in our thoughts, prayers and blessing. “The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us,” Terri Marshall
October 15, 2020 “Be strong because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever” (Ed Lester) Yes all of us are greatly impacted by Covid 19. But right now children and families are facing even more difficulties. The children are at home and need help as many school districts are using remote learning. Schools that are open are also a worry and concern for parents. Many parents are also working causing multiple complications and stress for families. The CDC does offer some insights and tools for parents and caregivers to use with children. Let us join in prayer, positive thought and blessing for all children and their families.
August 15, 2020 – Let us join in prayer, blessing and positive thought for all of us suffering from Corona Virus – COVID 19. This worldwide tragedy often leads to sickness, unemployment, hunger and death…. This crisis also affects our children. We must listen to our children as they look at their parents and worry. We must watch for unhealthy eating and sleeping difficulties, attention and concentration problems. Also, we must be aware of our teens and young adults as they struggle to understand their future. For more information about COVID 19 and children contact CDC (helping children and COVID 19),. We need to be encouraged and remember that “Kindness is the most powerful, least costly and most underrated agent of human change.” Bob Kerry
HELP – An emergency in an emergency! Now Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world – floods. desert locusts,COVID 19, and war. 20 million children are starving and suffer from malnutrition.
July 15, 2020 All of us have seen and/or participated in the demonstrations for racial justice and climate change. It is life changing when we make an honest decision to demonstrate our beliefs in front of the world. All of us make many honest decisions throughout our life.- our education, our faith, marriage, children, accomplishments and working to make a difference in this world. Let us join in prayer, positive thought and blessing that integrity and honesty will change the world. “When we go home, I try to raise my children with honesty and integrity and teach them to take care of the world and each other.” L.R.Knost
June 15,2020 Now – children, families, all of us worldwide are living with coronavirus, economic stress, nations divided, and racial injustice. Discouraged, disheartened and yet we see the triumph of humanity and goodness. We see people from many ethnic backgrounds demanding racial justice. During coronavirus pandemic, neighbors unite to help others. People from the smallest to the eldest give unique gifts to us. We thank the first responders. In our neighborhoods and in our communities, let us join against racial discrimination and remember the commonality of all people with the same needs and the same rights. “Stay where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe
May 15, 2020 Peace is the joy and goodness of life in togetherness as family – the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the care of the father. As family, we love and care for each other and extend this blessing to the world family. A special family need now – is prayer for adolescents and young adults, Because of Covid 19, they are suffering from loneliness, isolation, and anger. In better times 8 percent of teens commit suicide. Let us join in prayer blessing and positive thought for all families worldwide.
April 15, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic is a global disease affecting all people, all countries causing sickness, fear and death, This is also a time of anxiety and fear for families and children. The children are fearful with little understanding of the problems. We should listen to their fears and talk to the children because not knowing makes us more fearful. In our prayers, positive thoughts, and blessings, may we also remember the children and families in Syria, refugee camps, migrants at our borders who fear the pandemic and death to their families. They have little or no protection and no medical help. We must “Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believe in the goodness in people.” – Roy T. Bennett.
March 15, 2020 By giving my child food, the food bank has given him a future” – a request by parent Andrea MI. Thank you to all people worldwide, and here, who give, collect, and distribute food to the hungry. Now entire countries are facing severe hunger due to climate change, war, politics, ethnic cleansing etc…..In Venezuela, over a million children are starving. They cannot walk to school, listen, study, because they don’t have the strength. In Haiti – due to civic unrest, schools are closed. With school closure, the children are starving. Let us all join in prayer, blessing, and positive thought for all children especially those who are hungry
February 15th, 2020 Prayers for Children. February is a month of awareness and a day of prayer, blessing and positive thought against HUMAN TRAFFICKING. UN update: 13 years record high – a billion dollar industry – now globalization of sex trade, forced labor, slavery. A million children are brought into the sex industry yearly. 50% become HIV positive, are abused and mutilated. Migrants and refugees are easy victims. “Defeating human trafficking is a great moral calling of our time.” Condaleeza Rice.
January 1, 2020 A New Year begins. This year we must reconnect to all that is good and important to families, nations, and creation. The year 2019 was the year of violence against children: gun violence especially in schools, thousands of children in detention centers at the borders, ethnic cleansing of families, suicides, abusive governments, child slave labor… This must change. Our future demands it. We must join in positive thought, prayer and blessing for all children. Through family care, education and our support, the world can change. “Tomorrow’s world is in the hands of our children and their future is in our hands.” – David Gibson
December 15, 2019
“The spirit of a time is incredibly subtle, yet a hugely powerful force. And it is comprised of a mentality and spirit of all individuals together. There is an incredible power in the mind when it directs itself toward an object. Blessing as powerful and positive intention can transform situations and people.” John O’Donohue. During this season of celebrations, thankfully many children will be with family and friends, Let us also be aware and care for the street children/youth hungry and cold with nowhere to lay their head. At this time, let us also remember the thousands of migrant children in detention
centers at the borders. Let us join in prayer, blessings and positive thought for our children and all children. Peace.
November 15, 2019
In Thanksgiving, we bless and support the thousands of people who care for our children; the women of India nurturing abandoned girls – nations rescuing refugees – those who adopt children and protect the unborn child – those helping to prevent suicide – families, teachers, medical, fire and law enforcement people who work daily miracles – those who work in Haiti, the teens who travel to build houses and help in places of desperation – thousands working in giving banks, churches, the missionaries and everyone who joins in worldwide thought prayer, blessing, and for our children and all children of the world. Thank you!!
October 15, 2019
“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us to children who are now growing up?” –Pope Francis. Our young people are afraid, scared, and worried about climate change. It is an injustice and threat to their generation. We thank them for the courage to organize and actively bring it to our consciousness. Now we must make change happen at home and in our social groups, we can speak about climate change and keep the issues current. Let us join in prayer, positive thought and petition that each nation, state, city and village makes tomorrow’s world a safer, better world.
September 15th
School has begun for some children, others on vacation and some never seeing the inside of a classroom. All of us and the children have heard the hate and racist remarks by politicians and others. We saw the result of hate and racism in the shootings in the US. We join in prayer, blessing and positive thought for the children and their confusion and fear. We must teach respect and understanding of the differences and commonality of all people. We pray for care and respect for all children of all races, cultures, and religions.
“People all over the nation (world) are starved for honesty and common sense.”
December 15, 2018: The season of holidays and celebration brings us together. This is the time to think of our children, peace and blessings. As we celebrate we realize: ” Having a place to go – is a home. Having someone to love – is a family Having both – is a blessing” Donna Hedges Globally, let us join in prayer, blessing and positive thought for those with no home, no where to lay their head. Especially now remember the children and their families at the US border and the children of Yemen. Already over 80,000 children in Yemen have died due to lack of food and medical help. We Care.
Nov. 15,2018 Prayers for Children: Please -Thank you – I love you are words of blessing, endearment, and encouragement. These will be expressed many times this holiday season as we celebrate family and family traditions, Also in our celebration, we remember “Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege,opportunity and responsibility to give something back to others.” (Anthony Robbins) Let us pray, bless, and think positively about the children who will not be part of the celebrations – victims of war, child laborers, the unwanted and abused, the starving….. When possible may we find ways to help the children and families in our neighborhoods.
October, 2018 Prayers for Children – During these 3 months October through December, we celebrate many holidays of joy, blessing and giving. We can make these holidays of gifting especially memorable for our families and unforgettable memories for our children. They become lifelong remembrances. Let us also remember that others are not as fortunate, Mother Teresa of Calcutta: said: “The problem with the world is that the circle of family is too small.” Let us remember the 8,9,10…year olds who out of necessity are parent for their siblings and the children separated from their families at the border. Let us keep all of these children in thought, blessing,and prayer.
Sept. 15, 2018 Prayers for Children.- Many children are beginning the school year – others on vacation. We join in worldwide prayer, thought, and blessing for all children – those who attend school and those never seeing the inside of a classroom. We hope for a safe school environment for all and we remember the Nigerian girls kidnapped from their school. Through education, we give power to the children to transform their lives and break the cycle of poverty and ignorance. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela
August 2018 – Prayers for Children. In hope, thought, prayer and blessing, we watched and listened to the rescue of the Thai soccer team from the caves. We saw the best of humanity. People came from many nations: the UK, Belgium, India, USA, Singapore, China, Japan, Australia, Israel and more. Ethnic and religious differences meant nothing.- only the good of others. As a world of nations working together for the greater good – we can work miracles and wonders: the environment – pollution…children – trafficking..; poverty,.. hunger,…conflict..and much more.. Yes- to the basic goodness inherent in each person!
July 2018 – Prayers for Children – Andy Williams said: “The important things are children, honesty, integrity, and faith.” Now we must continue in positive thought, prayer and blessing for all children, especially migrant children traumatized and separated from their families – the children and families crossing the Mediterranean Sea with no where to go – every country receiving refugees. Also keep in prayer, that all governing officials in every nation, state, city…worldwide govern with honesty, integrity,and respect. May inhumane laws and racial discrimination, lack of truth cease. “Honest communication is built on truth and integrity and for the other.” Benjamin E. Mays
June, 2018 Prayers for Children. This month, we have a request from mental health professionals as we join in prayer, positive thought, and blessing for all children. For these professionals, not only is a child’s mental health a concern but now increasingly suicide prevention. According to the US CDC, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among young people ages 10 to 24 years. There are some children as young as 5 years to 9 years old. This is a world wide problem – all countries. Researchers at Vanderbilt U. found excessive phone use, cyberbullying, social pressure, disconnection with real people, poverty, abuse, drugs and more contribute to suicide. If a child exhibits suicidal problems, call emergency services. Also call Suicide Prevention Life Line (in US-1-800-573-8225). WHO (World Health Organization, UN) has a booklet in many languages – Preventing Suicide.
May, 2018 Present events seem to surround us with negativity,disbelief,and lack of concern for others. Currently there is a crisis at the US border. A caravan of 1,500 people from Central America are fleeing violence, poverty, gangs, drug cartels, death and seeking asylum in the US. Half of these refugees are children. These events compel us to join in positive thought, prayer and blessing for all refugees, especially the most vulnerable – the children. “Every refugee story is different and their anguish is personal. They have a common thread of uncommon courage – the courage not only to survive but to persevere and rebuild their lives.” Antonio Gutierres, UN
April 2018 – Prayers for Children. Let us pray, bless, think positively of the children of the world especially on April 12 – World Day for Street Children. On this International Day, we hear the children speak for their rights and identity. These children are the garbage pickers of Brazil, the children living in the sewers of Russia, the beggars of India, the restavecs of Haiti. It includes the children hiding under bridges, sleeping in any shelter possible. These children are found in every country. This is due to familial abuse, poverty, death, war, natural disasters etc. Many live their lives in labor, servitude, prostitution begging, and worse….We remember these children as Mother Teresa of Calcutta wrote: “The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own home to remedy this kind of poverty.”

A quote from Elie Wiesel – “Peace be our gift to each other

with generosity. Young people respond by becoming leaders and helping
in churches, synagogues, mosques, government, arts – music, teaching
and caring for children, traveling to other countries to build houses and more. In Syria, groups of young men (The White Helmuts) go to bombed buildings to rescue people. The rescued children become their
son, their daughter. Their motto: “To save a life is to save humanity.” We are encouraged and thankful for the generosity and care given by all young people. May we also come to a realization of a community of humanity. Through positive energy, blessing and prayer, we encourage and support you.
Donna Noble Gibson, Prayers for Children

A hundred years from now, it will not matter what type of job I held, what type of house I lived in or what kind of car I drove, but the world may be a better place because I made a difference in the life of a child” Anonymous. Today as we rejoice in the many graduation ceremonies from kindergarten to college – we know we have made a difference in the life of a child. Yet we look at the children denied an education and we realize that these children and their families continue in a cycle of poverty, abuse, and exploitation. Let us pray, bless and think positively of all children that all may be empowered and given a life of opportunity through education.
April 15, 2017. Prayer Day for Children. Through the efforts of many, we now have a yearly observance: The International Day for Street Children. We are reminded of the millions of throwaway street children worldwide – children with no schooling, no healthcare; children in prostitution and armed conflict; children called vagrants, discarded and unwanted. All children need acceptance, love, helping hands, encouragement and hope. You and I and all people of the world must join together to make a better tomorrow through positive thought, prayer and blessing of all children. “We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget he is someone today.” Stacy Tauscher. Fr. Don Bosco also reminds us – “It is not enough to love children. It is necessary that they are aware they are loved.” (scroll down for monthly prayers)
March 15, 2017 – Daily in the news and TV, again and again we see children with matchstick arms and legs with stunted growth. Why? poverty, conflict, war, harmful economics, drought, climate change, and poor health. Yes, these problems of child hunger and poor health are a reality around the world. Now within months the UN predicts that 1.4 million children will die of starvation in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen. The numbers are staggering. We must continue to pray, bless, think positively for these children and all the world’s children. In our communities, we must continue to nurture and care for our children and help those in need around us. “If we are going to stop wars on earth, we are going to have to make war on hunger our number one priority.” David Brooks
Feb. 15, 2017 – Current world events and climate changes cause suffering, fear and death. The National Academy of Sciences tells us that climate change causes severe weather conditions. All of us are affected by sixteen of the 17 hottest years since 2000 causing floods, drought, fires, heat waves, rising sea levels and more. In 7 African countries, 13 million children are malnourished. Madagascar (90,000 dying of starvation) – South Sudan (food and water shortages) – Nigeria ( 1/2 of population has no access to water. Already there is armed fighting to protect and acquire water holes) – Chile ( rampant and uncontrolled fires). These and other disasters are replicated everywhere. The earth, our children’s future, is everyones’ concern as is our concern for the officials who govern our countries, our cities, towns and villages. We need a window of hope. We need a renewed sense of values and respect for our families, communities, our earth. Let us care, pray, think positively and bless our children and their inheritance – the earth. “It takes a healthy world to raise a child“- Dave GibsonJ
January 15,2017-Thinking back over the year 2016, we realize it was a most difficult and divisive year. Daily we heard the news, reports, and saw pictures of the suffering and death of hundreds – thousands of people and among the most vulnerable – the children. Now more than ever we need to reconnect to all that matters and is important to our families, nations, the world. Let us pray, bless and think positively about respect for life, common basic needs, peace,and hope for all especially the children – our future Blessings to all in 2017. Quote from Jing Si Aphorisms Dharma Master Cheng Yen “A fulfilling life is not preoccupied with material objects, prestige, or power. It is a life that is filled with true friendships, sharing and caring for each other.“
Dec. 15, 2016 This is the season of celebration, giving thanks, and thoughts of peace. We think of our children and pray for peace. Also in thought, prayers and blessing – remember all the children of the world, especially those who have never known peace and mercy. They are in want and need. They cry for the warmth of love and the silence of peace. Listen to Elie Wiesel and let “Peace be our gift to each other.”

know.” This is the child’s reality – no food, no home, no shelter. There are too many who answer, “I don’t know” in every country, city, and village. These are the children crossing the Mediterranean to Europe alone, the children living in sewers of Siberia, the restavecs of Haiti, the street children…….Let us join in universal worldwide prayer, blessing, positive thought and energy for all children especially those who answer, “I don’t know.” A quote from Maya Angelou; We can learn to see each other and recognize that human beings are more alike than we are unlike.
Sept.1 – World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
“The children have been a wonderful gift to me and I’m thankful to have once again seen the world through their eyes. They restore my family’s future.” Jackie Kennedy

March 15, 2019 Prayers for Children – To remind us of the importance of water, the UN made the 22nd of March ” World Water Awareness Day”. Our survival depends on water. Each person has a human and International right to water. Over 2 billion people lack access to safe water and for children – unclean water and poor sanitation are the leading cause of childhood death. (500 or more children die each day). In our communities, we can be aware of ways to conserve water and the current contamination of our lakes, oceans,rivers, beaches…We can begin by using less Styrofoam that is now an overwhelming worldwide problem. Let us pray, bless, and think positively about how we can conserve water and save the lives of all people especially the children.
February 15, 2019 – Prayers for Children – Let us focus our prayers, blessings and positive thoughts for our children who are surrounded by negativity,anger, non-acceptance, and bullying. We a need a world for children, where we respect ourselves and the basic rights of each person. We need to appreciate and learn about different cultures, motivations,religions etc.even if we cannot accept all the choices of others.. This change must happen as we live in our communities, teach our children, and “have a big enough heart to love unconditionally and a broad enough mind to embrace the differences that make each of us unique” D.D. Harrion
Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

January 15, 2019 Prayers for Children May the New Year bring peace and hope to all. Let us join in concern for all children of the world. Statistics show that 2018 was a devastating year for children with horrific abuse, starvation, killings – This must change – Our future demands it. We join all people in condemning these atrocities. We join all people in working for change in abusive governments. We must join in positive thought, blessings, and prayer for all children. Through family care, good education and our support, the world can change. “We owe our children – the most vulnerable citizens in our society – a life free from violence and fear.” Nelson Mandela
Photo by Ben White Unsplash

Photo by Siddhant Sonion Unsplash
The UN has designated April 12 as World Day for Street Children. We are reminded of the millions of throwaway children worldwide – the garbage pickers of Brazil, restevics of Haiti, sewer children of Russia, the unwanted in the US and other countries. They live their lives in prostitution, forced armed conflict, beggars, servitude, child trafficking, …….They have no schooling, no health care, no hope. Some of this is due to familial abuse, poverty, death, war, disasters. Let us pray, think positively, and bless these unwanted children as we reflect on a quote of Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own home to remedy this.” You can follow us on Instagram like C3.
December 15, 2018: The season of holidays and celebration brings us together. This is the time to think of our children, peace and blessings. As we celebrate we realize: ” Having a place to go – is a home. Having someone to love – is a family Having both – is a blessing” Donna Hedges Globally, let us join in prayer, blessing and positive thought for those with no home, no where to lay their head. Especially now remember the children and their families at the US border and the children of Yemen. Already over 80,000 children in Yemen have died due to lack of food and medical help. We Care.
Photo by Marcus Wallis on Unsplash

Nov. 15,2018 Prayers for Children: Please -Thank you – I love you are words of blessing, endearment, and encouragement. These will be expressed many times this holiday season as we celebrate family and family traditions, Also in our celebration, we remember “Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege,opportunity and responsibility to give something back to others.” (Anthony Robbins) Let us pray, bless, and think positively about the children who will not be part of the celebrations – victims of war, child laborers, the unwanted and abused, the starving…..When possible may we find ways to help the children and families in our neighborhoods.
Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash
October 4 2018 Prayers for Children – During these 3 months October through December, we celebrate many holidays of joy, blessing and giving. We can make these holidays of gifting especially memorable for our families and unforgettable memories for our children. They become lifelong remembrances. Let us also remember that others are not as fortunate, Mother Teresa of Calcutta: said: “The problem with the world is that the circle of family is too small.” Let us remember the 8,9,10…year olds who out of necessity are parent for their siblings and the children separated from their families at the border. Let us keep all of these children in thought, blessing,and prayer.
Photo by Yannis H on Unsplash

July 2018 – Prayers for Children – Andy Williams said: “The important things are children, honesty, integrity, and faith.” Now we must continue in positive thought, prayer and blessing for all children, especially migrant children traumatized and separated from their families – the children and families crossing the Mediterranean Sea with no where to go – every country receiving refugees. Also keep in prayer, that all governing officials in every nation, state, city…worldwide govern with honesty, integrity,and respect. May inhumane laws and racial discrimination, lack of truth cease. “Honest communication is built on truth and integrity and for the other.” Benjamin E. Mays
Photo by Mieke Campbell on Unsplash

June, 2018 Prayers for Children. This month, we have a request from mental health professionals as we join in prayer, positive thought, and blessing for all children. For these professionals, not only is a child’s mental health a concern but now increasingly suicide prevention. According to the US CDC, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among young people ages 10 to 24 years. There are some children as young as 5 years to 9 years old. This is a world wide problem – all countries. Researchers at Vanderbilt U. found excessive phone use, cyberbullying, social pressure, disconnection with real people, poverty, abuse, drugs and more contribute to suicide. If a child exhibits suicidal problems, call emergency services. Also call Suicide Prevention Life Line (in US-1-800-573-8225). WHO (World Health Organization, UN) has a booklet in many languages – Preventing Suicide.
Photo by Ben White Unsplash
May 15, 2018, Present events seem to surround us with negativity,disbelief,and lack of concern for others. Currently there is a crisis at the US border. A caravan of 1,500 people from Central America are fleeing violence, poverty, gangs, drug cartels, death and seeking asylum in the US. Half of these refugees are children. These events compel us to join in positive thought, prayer and blessing for all refugees, especially the most vulnerable – the children. “Every refugee story is different and their anguish is personal. They have a common thread of uncommon courage – the courage not only to survive but to persevere and rebuild their lives.” Antonio Gutierres, UN
Photo by Joe Fontano on Unsplash

April 2018 – Prayers for Children. Let us pray, bless, think positively of the children of the world especially on April 12 – World Day for Street Children. On this International Day, we hear the children speak for their rights and identity. These children are the garbage pickers of Brazil, the children living in the sewers of Russia, the beggars of India, the restavecs of Haiti. It includes the children hiding under bridges, sleeping in any shelter possible. These children are found in every country. This is due to familial abuse, poverty, death, war, natural disasters etc. Many live their lives in labor, servitude, prostitution begging, and worse….We remember these children as Mother Teresa of Calcutta wrote: “The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own home to remedy this kind of poverty.”
Photo by Michal Parzuchowskion Unsplash
December 2017, This is the season of celebration, giving thanks, and thoughts of peace. Gratefully, many children will celebrate with family and friends. Still all of us are aware of the children and youth who have no hope, no peace, nowhere to lay their head. We listen to their voices as they cry out for the warmth of love and silence of peace. Let us join together and remember all children in thought, blessing and prayer.
A quote from Elie Wiesel – “Peace be our gift to each other.”
Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

November 2017 There is hope even amidst chaos and inhumanity, and we especially thank young people who are leading us out of negativity
with generosity. Young people respond by becoming leaders and helping
in churches, synagogues, mosques, government, arts – music, teaching
and caring for children, traveling to other countries to build houses
and more. In Syria, groups of young men (The White Helmuts) go to
bombed buildings to rescue people. The rescued children become their
son, their daughter. Their motto: “To save a life is to save humanity.” We are encouraged and thankful for the generosity and care given by all young people. May we also come to a realization of a community of humanity. Through positive energy, blessing and prayer, we encourage and support you.
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash
Oct. 15, 2017. Prayers for Children. Today there is so much devastation due to earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, drought, war, poverty…..As a global family, we think of the children and the survival of the family. Importantly, the family unit is where children learn love, values and social skills. In shared humanity and care, let us pray, bless and direct our energy to all children and families in our world and communities. “What can you do to promote peace? Go home and love your family.” Mother Teresa.
Photo by Jando Ferlic on Unsplash

September 15, 2017 – An introduction to the newest country, Republic of South Sudan, was given by Father John from South Sudan. He spoke of severe problems due to war – ethnic cleansing, famine, destruction (scorched earth), and thousands – millions fleeing to refuge centers. And the children with no parents also fleeing in groups to the centers. So many are children parenting their younger siblings. Let us remember these children and all children in positive thoughts, prayer and blessing. Let us in our own neighborhoods be peacemakers.
Photo by Abdulazzia Mohammed on Unsplash
August 15, 2017. World Humanitarian Day – August 19 – is designated by the UN to celebrate the spirit of humanity. We honor those who gave their lives working for others and those today helping millions of people. Always children come first. Daily we see children starving, fighting disease, prostituted, enslaved ….. In joined humanity, let us keep these children and all children of the world in prayer, positive energy and blessing. Each day in our communities we can be people helping people. A quote from Betty Williams: “To say that on a daily basis you can make a difference, well you can. One act of kindness a day.” Irish activist “Community of Peace People.”
Photo by Tucker Tangeman on Unsplash

Crisis in Africa. Now four nations face starvation, disease, no food, no water, drought, terrorism, war. There are 20 million men, women and children in desperate need with 1.4 million children at immediate risk of death. Their only hope are overcrowded refugee camps. One camp, the Dadaab camp has about 500,000 refugees with more arriving daily. As a concerned world, we must send positive energy, blessing and prayer to these desperate people, hoping for political change,and world response to famine relief. The creative, positive spirit of all can help make this happen, “If we are going to stop wars on earth, we are going to have to make war on hunger our number one priority.” David W. Brooks
Photo by Tucker Tangeman on Unsplash

May and June 15, 2017. “A hundred years from now, it will not matter what type of job I held, what type of house I lived in or what kind of car I drove, but the world may be a better place because I made a difference in the life of a child” Anonymous.
Today as we rejoice in the many graduation ceremonies from kindergarten to college – we know we have made a difference in the life of a child. Yet we look at the children denied an education and we realize that these children and their families continue in a cycle of poverty, abuse, and exploitation. Let us pray, bless and think positively of all children that all may be empowered and given a life of opportunity through education.
Photo by Shravan K Acharya on Unsplash
March 15, 2017 – Daily in the news and TV, again and again we see children with matchstick arms and legs with stunted growth. Why? poverty, conflict, war, harmful economics, drought, climate change, and poor health. Yes, these problems of child hunger and poor health are a reality around the world. Now within months the UN predicts that 1.4 million children will die of starvation in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen. The numbers are staggering. We must continue to pray, bless, think positively for these children and all the world’s children. In our communities, we must continue to nurture and care for our children and help those in need around us. “If we are going to stop wars on earth, we are going to have to make war on hunger our number one priority.” David Brooks
Photo byЮлія Дубина on Unsplash

Feb. 15, 2017 – Current world events and climate changes cause suffering, fear and death. The National Academy of Sciences tells us that climate change causes severe weather conditions. All of us are affected by sixteen of the 17 hottest years since 2000 causing floods, drought, fires, heat waves, rising sea levels and more. In 7 African countries, 13 million children are malnourished. Madagascar (90,000 dying of starvation) – South Sudan (food and water shortages) – Nigeria ( 1/2 of population has no access to water. Already there is armed fighting to protect and acquire water holes) – Chile ( rampant and uncontrolled fires). These and other disasters are replicated everywhere. The earth, our children’s future, is everyone’s’ concern as is our concern for the officials who govern our countries, our cities, towns and villages. We need a window of hope. We need a renewed sense of values and respect for our families, communities, our earth. Let us care, pray, think positively and bless our children and their inheritance – the earth. “It takes a healthy world to raise a child“- Dave Gibson
Photo by Vivek Sharmaon Unsplash
January 15,2017– Thinking back over the year 2016, we realize it was a most difficult and divisive year. Daily we heard the news, reports, and saw pictures of the suffering and death of hundreds – thousands of people and among the most vulnerable – the children. Now more than ever we need to reconnect to all that matters and is important to our families, nations, the world. Let us pray, bless and think positively about respect for life, common basic needs, peace,and hope for all especially the children – our future Blessings to all in 2017. Quote from Jing Si Aphorisms Dharma Master Cheng Yen “A fulfilling life is not preoccupied with material objects, prestige, or power. It is a life that is filled with true friendships, sharing and caring for each other.”
Photo by Muhammad-taha Ibrahim Unsplash

Dec. 15, 2016 This is the season of celebration, giving thanks, and thoughts of peace. We think of our children and pray for peace. Also in thought, prayers and blessing – remember all the children of the world, especially those who have never known peace and mercy. They are in want and need. They cry for the warmth of love and the silence of peace. Listen to Elie Wiesel and let “Peace be our gift to each other.”
Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash
Nov. 15, 2016 Thanksgiving is a time to thank, bless, and support the thousands of people who care about the children of the world: the women of India nurturing abandoned girls – nations rescuing the refugees – those who adopt children and protect the unborn child – those concerned with preventing suicide by our young – the families, teachers, medical, fire ,and law enforcement personnel who daily work miracles – those who work in Haiti and other places of desperation – the young people, teens who travel to build houses, teach, and help in poor areas – the thousands of people working in giving banks, standing on street corners collecting money – the churches, missionaries, and so many more who contribute…….and each and everyone who joins in worldwide thought, prayers and blessing for all the children of the world. Thank you. Donna Noble Gibson
Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

September 2016 Reality. One week ago while sitting under a fig tree, the youngest boy of a family saw a person approaching. He asked the man for a pen. He wanted to draw a picture. The man asked, “where do you live?” The child answered, “I don’t know.” This is the child’s reality – no food, no home, no shelter. There are too many who answer, “I don’t know” in every country, city, and village. These are the children crossing the Mediterranean to Europe alone, the children living in sewers of Siberia, the restavecs of Haiti, the street children…….Let us join in universal worldwide prayer, blessing, positive thought and energy for all children especially those who answer, “I don’t know.” A quote from Maya Angelou; We can learn to see each other and recognize that human beings are more alike than we are unlike.

July 15, 2016. Recent and current events seem to surround us with negativity, distrust, disbelief, and lack of concern for others. However as a global family, we share the same needs, same desires and same care for our children and others. Let us with world-wide concern, continue in positive thought, prayer,and blessing for all our children and youth. In our families and neighborhoods, let us show mercy, welcome the child, and continue to love.respect, teach, and support our children.
“The children have been a wonderful gift to me and I’m thankful to have once again seen the world through their eyes. They restore my families future“. Jackie Kennedy
Photo by Reynardo Etenia Wongso on Unsplash

June 15, 2016. Let us focus our prayers, blessings and positive thoughts on the hungry, the starving, the thirsty. Every 10 seconds a child dies of hunger. This is due not only to government mismanagement and war but also the drought. Throughout the world – Africa, South America, Canada, the Mediterranean, Central Europe, the United States and more – children and families are starving. Water is so scarce, crops cannot grow. Let us show our concern and continue our service to others in our neighborhood, our country, our world. “If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger.” Buzz Aldrin A reminder: June 20 – World Refugee Day
Photo by Ben White Unsplash

May 15, 2016. About 500,000 people live in a refugee camp in tents in Dadaab, Kenya. The fifth- grade students of Holy Family School in South Pasadena, CA made this art work to remind us of the children living there. In the art work, we can see the tents. The thoughts, prayers and blessings of the children are represented by the butterflies. Join the children in thought, prayer and blessing for the refugee children and all the children of the world today and especially on the 15th of every month.
May 15, 2016. About 500,000 people live in a refugee camp in tents in Dadaab, Kenya. The fifth- grade students of Holy Family School in South Pasadena, CA made this art work to remind us of the children living there. In the art work, we can see the tents. The thoughts, prayers and blessings of the children are represented by the butterflies. Join the children in thought, prayer and blessing for the refugee children and all the children of the world today and especially on the 15th of every month.
Photo by Pawan Sharma on Unsplash

April 15, 2016. World prayers for children is the 15th of each month. How appropriate that April 15 is positioned between “International Day for Street Children” and “Earth Day”. Our children are earth’s future and the earth is theirs. We need and want each to be beautiful, healthy and happy. This April 15 direct your positive thoughts, prayers and blessings to the world’s children and make the earth your legacy. An American Indian proverb “Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children”
Feb.15,2016. Though we are many people in many lands, we are just one family in just one world. In shared humanity and dignity, with caring, love, and mercy, we welcome the opportunities of each day. Especially on the 15th of each month, offer positive thoughts, prayers and blessing for all children in cities and villages, countries and continents, and every corner of the world. Our children are today’s gift and tomorrow’s’ promise. Be one with the family of the world who remembers all children on the 15th of the month.

month, offer positive thoughts, prayers and blessing for all children in cities and villages, countries and continents, and every corner of the world. Our children are today’s gift and tomorrow’s’ promise. Be one with the family of the world who remembers all children on the 15th of the month.
Shanti – Salam – Paz – Keamanan – Mier – Heping – Pokoj – Damai – Fifa –
Vrede – Pav – Shiamas – Hetep – NyiEe – Pace – Frieden – Thayu – Saalam –
Jam – Asomdwoe – Peace to all……
Nov.15. 2015. As we begin to prepare for the holidays, let us remember all the world’s children. Too many refugees (41 percent) are children. Too many orphans are already heads of households. Too many are child laborers. These 215 million children work for their own and their family’s survival. All these children are at risk of death, illness, physical and psychological damage with little or no future. As we continue to love, respect, teach, and support our children, let us remember all children in prayer, blessing, positive thought and energy. A quote from Peter Kreeft: “It is mercy, not justice or courage or even heroism that alone can defeat evil.” .
Sept. 15, 2015 Along with thousands of other migrants crossing into Macedonia, a boy walking alone was asked;
“Why [are you crossing the border] ?” “For a new life and to help my family.”
“Where are you going?” “Germany.”
“Does Europe want you?” “No.”
As a new school year begins, we think of this youth and thousands of other children. We realize these children will not have the basic educational tools for success. We also realize the importance of an education which gives equality, respect, and fights poverty. Education also builds a “culture of peace” and understanding. Let us bless, pray, give positive thought and energy to our children receiving an education and those never seeing the inside of a classroom.
“If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating the children.” Mahatma Gandhi.
August 15, 2015 The Special Olympics – 6,500 young people participated and we were amazed. Regardless of the handicap, we saw determination, acceptance, and resilience of the human spirit. What was considered impossible happened due to love and dedication of family and hundreds of caring individuals. Handicapped people are the largest minority in the world – the most vulnerable, abused, and often “weeded out” from society. The many humanitarian crises in many parts of the world exacerbate these problems especially for children. Let us rejoice in the accomplishments of the games and keep in our hearts all children in blessing, prayer, positive thought and energy, At the opening ceremony, Michelle Obama said; “They show we’re all in this together – we can lift up our friends and neighbors – we can bring out the best in each other to reach even new heights.”
Jan 15, 2016. “Listen to the stories of a year. Hear the songs,the joys, the prayers, the best and worst of times. It is the children who speak. More than words must be heard, their voices echo through…” Msgr. Clement J. Connolly. Yes, we see their sufferings, hear their cries. We hear their pleas for respect and love. We rejoice with each step forward, We gather them all into an embrace of caring and love. We must continue in blessing, prayer, positive energy and thought for all children. Change must begin now!
Oct. 15. 2015 As a global family, we are united in care and concern for all children, their families, their caretakers. The family is the basic unit of society where children learn love,values, and social skills. Today we see the breakup of families because of war, migration, corruption resulting in poverty, impossible living conditions…….In shared humanity and care, let us protect, pray, bless and direct our positive thought and energy to children and families within our world and our community. Pope Francis said: “A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just.” Mercy means caring for our children and families.
Sept. 15, 2015 Along with thousands of other migrants crossing into Macedonia, a boy walking alone was asked;
“Why [are you crossing the border] ?” “For a new life and to help my family.”
“Where are you going?” “Germany.”
“Does Europe want you?” “No.”
As a new school year begins, we think of this youth and thousands of other children,. We realize these children will not have the basic educational tools for success. We also realize the importance of an education which gives equality, respect, and fights poverty. Education also builds a “culture of peace” and understanding. Let us bless, pray, give positive thought and energy to our children receiving an education and those never seeing the inside of a classroom.
“If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating the children.” Mahatma Gandhi.
July 15,2015 – “Pray for us and our people” – request from Hands Together Haiti. Children and families are in peril. Earthquake 2010 – 85,000 still displaced; 2.1 million hungry; 300,000 child laborers [restavecs]; cholera – 9,000 dead; while celebrating 2 weeks of peace – 27 gunned down by gangs. These same problems are replicated in the slums of the world. Let us put our hands together and bless, pray, and send positive thoughts to this island and the slums of our world community. Hands Together Haiti has worked miracles in the slum Cite Soleil: 10,000 fed daily, 12,000 in school, 2,861 in Barefoot Schools etc. Yet the needs remain overwhelming. Others committed to help are Doctors Without Borders, Mary’ Meals UK, Americare and more. For more information about Hands Together, contact
June 15. 2015– Graduation 2015 – This is the time and opportunity to celebrate with all new graduates. We celebrate with their families,friends,teachers,and supporters – all people striving for a better world. Each and everyone is today’s gift and tomorrow’s promise. Also, we pray, bless, and give positive thought to all denied the education and opportunities they deserve. They’re all our children and their future is our future. As Malawa Yousufzai (the Pakistani 16 year old – shot because she demanded education for girls) observed: “Let us make our future now and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.”
May 15, 2015, Current events compel us to join in positive thought, prayer and blessing of migrants. People from Africa and the Middle East are trying desperately to get to Europe. Many are children unaccompanied by adults. Just the journey to the Mediterranean Sea is horrific due to the inhumanity of smugglers. Then boats used are overloaded, unseaworthy, and lack basic necessities – food, water etc. Since January 2015, 1,800 migrants have died – 30 times higher than in 2014. Pope Francis called for a “united response” to the migrant problems as the Mediterranean Sea becomes a “vast cemetery”. From the UN – “The Mediterranean migration is the worst humanitarian crisis since WWII.” Also the countries receiving these migrants are overwhelmed and need help. Let us hope. pray, and support them.
April 15. 2015. The world shares the same needs, desires, and concern for children. Yet pervasive in all societies is trafficking of children for slave labor, prostitution, organ transplants, child soldiers, ……….All countries have these problems. – China: over 20,000 babies stolen and sold on the internet. – Mid-east: price tagged children for sale. – Nigeria: again 400+ children taken. USA: political dissent = no bill to further combat trafficking. – Russia and India are the worst abusers. – Haiti: children fleeing their masters with no where to go. – Mexico, South America, Europe, Thailand etc. etc. Trafficking is a 32 billion dollar industry with thousands – millions of children taken yearly. Let us think positively, pray and bless all children especially those trafficked. We need to call on governments to unite and combat trafficking
March 15, 2015 – In outraged humanity, let us join in thought and prayer for the children of Syria, Iraq, Egypt. Libya and Nigeria. These children are Yazidi, Christian, Shiite, Sunni….They are being killed and dehumanized. Many are being raped, crucified, buried alive and price-tagged to be sold. Many are stolen and forced into the militia. Turkey now has many orphans whose parents were killed by Isis. Now we must focus and direct our energy through blessing, thought and prayer toward transformation. “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we belong to the human race.” Kofi Annan 7th UN Secretary General
Feb. 15,2015 – Let us in positive thought, prayer, and blessing be concerned for the orphans, the uneducated youth, gang members, and street children. They are in every country. Many are victims of war, poverty, sickness, abuse, etc. “We need to see each child as a gift to be welcomed, cherished and protected.” Pope Francis said in his homily. “And we need to care for our young people, not allowing them to be robbed of hope and condemned to a life on the streets.” We support and thank all who intervene in this cycle of despair and rejection, all who care for these young people, all those who adopt them. A Nelson Mandela quote: “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.
Jan. 15, 2015 – The New Year begins. Let us join in concern and hope for all children of the world. Statistics show that 2014 was a devastating year for children with horrific abuse, torture. killing etc. This must change. Our future demands it. We join religious leaders and all caring people of the world in condemning these atrocities. We must unite in positive thought, blessing and prayer for all children. Through family care, good education, and our support, the world can change. “The secret of change is to focus all our energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates
Dec. 15, 2014. “The spirit of a time is incredibly subtle, yet a hugely powerful force. And it is comprised of a mentality and spirit of all individuals together.—–There is incredible power in the mind when it directs itself towards an object. Blessing as powerful and positive intention can transform situations and people.” John O’Donohue- To Bless the Space Between Us. The season of many celebrations begins. Thankfully many will celebrate with family and friends. Still all of us are aware of the children and youth, hungry and cold, with no place to rest their head. In the spirit of humanity, let us join in positive thought, prayer and blessing of all children of the world.
Nov. 15, 2014. Everywhere – even with the chaos and destruction in the world, we are grateful to those who help, care, and nurture children and youth. We are impressed by the Liberian survivors who care for the orphans of Ebola. We thank the woman of India who nurture the girls who are “nobody’s child”. We marvel at the generosity of those who adopt children and those who reach out to those living on the streets. Let us pray, bless, and support all families and caretakers of the young. All children are our children. A quote from Phila Henrietta Case: ” Oh why does the wind blow upon me so wild? Is it because I’m nobody’s child?”
October 15, 2014 Respect for Life
Joining in concern for
- each unique individual
- he dignity of life, beginning with the miracle of conception
- family
- the rights of children and youth
- child refugees seeking safety and basic necessities
- girls and their right to be educated, and be free
from harmful traditional practices - ourselves as uniquely, gifted persons
may we bless, pray and think positively that as a global family,
we grow in respect for all creation. .
A Native American quote from Chief Seattle:
“All things are bound together. All things connect.”
September 15,2014 – Many children are beginning the school year – others on vacation. All children and youth through education share citizenship in the global world. Through education, we build a better future against ignorance, unemployment, illiteracy, disease, the cycle of poverty……..Malala Yousufzai (the 16 year old Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban for defending her right to an education) said,”Let us pick up our books and pens, they are our most powerful weapon.” May we join in worldwide thought, prayer, and blessing for all children and youth – those attending school – those never seeing a classroom. All of us in community join parents as educators of the young. May we see the beauty and goodness of each and help the child and youth reach their full potential as a human being.
August 15, 2014 – Recent world events have caused suffering, death and fear: the downing of the Malaysia airline, the Hamas and Israeli war, refugee crises, turmoil leaving children and youth at risk. Many of these children have never experienced peace in their lives. They have no family security, no education, no chance to develop their potential, no hope. Let us again join in shared humanity and global concern and continue in prayer, positive thought and blessing for all children and youth. Let us also include in our concern – the people who govern our countries, cities, towns. We need a window of hope, a rebirth of sanity, a renewed sense of value and respect for each other. May those governing do so in truth, justice, respect, and care for all people, especially the children of the world – our future.
July 15, 2014 “Children on the Run” On the 15th as a world community. we direct our thought, prayer, and blessing to the refugee child. Globally forced displacement will result in 50 million refugees – 1/2 being children. Some children will travel in groups, many alone. All are at risk of being exploited, abused, sold, enslaved…….not all survive. Countries receiving refugees face a humanitarian crisis, The USA has already received more than 50.000 child refugees since October – many from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, These children in need and seeking safety also arrive in many countries from Syria, Sudan, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and more. For a real change, political solutions must be made. We can still reach our to these children through prayer, blessing, positive intention and humanitarian aid.
June 15, 2014 – In shared humanity and global concern, let us bless, pray, and think of all children and youth. We hear the cry of the children, their families and the world community. In one voice we say: “Bring back our girls.” – Nigeria. Return the stolen, the “left behind” children of China, the 60,000 kidnapped a year in India, the tens of thousands of Mexico, Pakistan, Indonesia, US, Europe, Africa. South America – all countries. We can be aware of our neighbors – watch, report, care. All of us together can join in prayer, blessing, and thought as a powerful, positive intention that can transform the world.
Donna Gibson, Prayers for Children
May 15, 2014 – We are a world united in concern for children and youth through blessing, thought, and prayer. In the UN charter: all children have a right to an education that changes their lives and stops the cycle of poverty. More than a million children in 14 countries do not attend school. One half of the world’s children will never be in a classroom. Every country of the world shares some of these problems. The causes include war, poverty, social unrest, prejudice, fear of change, slave labor, the refugees and migrants etc. But many people are helping change this through charitable foundations. donations, volunteering………each of us as parents, teachers, health care providers, – all of us equally concerned. We grieve for the 230 girls kidnapped from a Nigerian school. We watched a 15 yr. old Pakastani girl – Malawa Yousufzai – recover after being shot while defending her right to an education. A quote from Malawa:
“One child, one teacher, one book. one pen.can change the world.”
So let us pray that all children will be given this opportunity.
April 15,2014 – In shared humanity and concern for children and youth, let us join in prayer, thought, and blessing. 1 in 8 children worldwide are hungry, starving, malnourished, stunted physically and cognitively. Due to war and other problems, people and children are starving and dying in the Central African Republic, the Congo, Uganda, Sudan and more. Children and youth rely on food banks in Greece, Spain, England, US, Central and South America and ……… The Red Cross and Syrian Red Crescent plead for a cease fire in Syria, to distribute food. The refugees are desperate. In Asia half of the children die under 5 years of age. Worldwide many of us have heard the cry of the hungry. We have donated and raised money for food. We are working in food banks, distribution centers, have adopted families. Let us support these efforts and remember all, especially the most vulnerable – the children – in prayer, thought and blessing.
March 15, 2014 – Through prayer, thought, and blessing, let us join together in concern for the world’s children and youth. All have seen the faces of our children on cartons, flyers, TV. billboards …… The number of missing children is growing and are trafficked into slavery, prostitution, sexual exploitation, forced labor, harvesting of bodily organs, and more. Whole families are forced into bonded labor – generation after generation. The UN places trafficking as the 3rd largest criminal activity in the world. We can grow in our awareness of these crimes through the UN website and USA National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Also, most countries of the world have a website or center for information and reporting of abuse. Our children are our future and hope for tomorrow. Together we can make a change.
February 15, 2014. On the 15th, let us as a global community direct our thoughts, prayers and blessings to refugees scattered around the globe. A United Nation’s report numbers refugees at 45.2 million people. 80% live in camps in poor countries. They live in camps ranging from 46,000 people to 138,000 or more. This overwhelming number includes many children and youth. These are a generation of damaged children – no family life – no education – no health care – traumatized by death – having witnessed revenge killings of children – used in illegal and slave labor. Let us grow in care and awareness. In generosity may we reach out in our own communities and neighborhoods to the young, dispossessed, sick and elderly.
January 15, 2014 – In our shared humanity and dignity, let us join in prayer, blessing and thought for the world’s children, their families, and caretakers. We are a global family united in the love and care of all family members especially our children and youth. The problems and make a difference. Let us be one worldwide community – caring and supporting one another. A global challenge from a Nigerian proverb: “It takes a whole village to raise a child.“
December 15, 2013 – In world unity and shared humanity, let us bless, pray and think positively for the good of all children and youth. As many of us celebrate religious and national holidays, may we remember the children and youth in need. Many are forgotten – alone on the streets – no food – no warmth – nowhere to lay their head – no loving family. They have no hope of gifts and the joy of celebration. Also remember the children of the Philippines, world refugees, those in slavery, those in forced prostitution…..Yes, many of us give personal time and finances to help young people. Yet as we celebrate and give thanks, may we cherish them in our hearts and give them hope. Lastly may we include Pope Francis’ December 2013 intention, “That children who are victims of abandonment or violence may find the love and protection they need.”
On Nov.15,2013, We join together to bless, pray and think positively for the good of all children of the world. Together we can make a difference. A woman who worked in the Congo contacted us, asking for prayers for the Congolese children. In 2013 UN reports – the Congo described as the rape capital of the world – for years children stolen and forced to fight in armed groups – child slave labor in the mines – millions of refugees (in 2013, 350,000 in 3 months) – few or no hospitals or schools – aids and other diseases – extreme poverty as the nations mineral wealth is plundered by neighboring countries and nations.
The problems seem insurmountable. May the UN, the countries and people of the world cry out and take a more active role against these crimes, seeking immediate relief and justice.
Oct. 15,2013 – This month through prayer, blessing, positive thought, and worldwide concern, we focus not only on Syria but the children of Haiti. The UN reports in Haiti – 81,600 children malnourished – 385,000 people remain in camps in deteriorating conditions – increasing drug trafficking – cholera outbreaks – gang violence, and prostitution. But there is hope. Even in the largest slum, Cite Soliel, (Yes, the children still eat mud pies, live in shacks surrounded by garbage and sewage) many children of all ages attend school. Young people graduated from high school hoping for college. Wells have been dug for drinking and irrigation. Trees and crops now flourish and agricultural schools founded. Let us hope this continues through the efforts of many including:
- Doctors Without Borders
- AmeriCares
- the UN
- Missionary Sisters of Charity
- Hands Together – for more information contact

image – LA Times
Sept. 15 2013 – Let us all again join in worldwide concern, prayer, blessing, and positive thought of Syria. The children and youth under 18 are called the ‘lost generation’. – 2 million in Syria in dire need – 1 million refugees -70,000 killed and now 426 more by gas/chemicals. May we promise that these children will not have died without notice; That these children will prompt all of us to value our children; That the loving care, teaching and patience we give our children will influence generations to come. Now may the decisions made by the international community be a positive deterrent to the continued slaughter and death of many children and youth.
August 15 – Prayers for Children – On the 15th of each month, join in worldwide focus of blessing, prayer, and positive thought for all children and youth. The world is rampant with hatred and discrimination. The outcome: war, ethnic cleansing, genocide, hatred between religious groups, lack of equity and discrimination. Today many young people are leading the way out of negativity with generosity and acceptance of all. Others even children are being taught hatred and distrust by parents, schools and religious leaders. – May all come to a realization of the community of all humanity, our common needs and our shared responsibility to love and care for all children. May the basic goodness of humanity triumph globally over evil and hatred.
July 15 – Prayer Day for Children. Let all people united in worldwide thought, prayer and blessing continue to remember the children and teens of Syria. Children and teens have been hunted and killed, used as human shields, forced to watch family executions……In Aleppo, thousands are homeless – 3,500 living in two unfinished buildings with no water, food or sanitation. Quasar City with 15,000 trapped by fighting. 1.5 million refugees fleeing to nearby countries. The summer heat exacerbates health, water, and sanitation problems. Let us hope through these tragedies, the human spirit will triumph and justice, generosity and true peace prevail.
June 15 – Prayers for Children. Joining in world unity, let us focus our thoughts, blessings, and prayers to children who are abused and raped. This is sexual abuse of the littlest to teens forced into prostitution……. The stories dominate the news reports. It is in countries at war, slums, our neighborhoods, schools and families. Let us remember these children and hope for intervention and rehabilitation. Thank you Women of India, People of China, Africa and all concerned who make us aware of these children. We join you as you cry out for justice and change.
May 15 – Prayer Day for Children. Let us join in world unity by focusing our blessing, prayer and thought to children who are hungry and starving. In Somalia 130,000 children died of starvation – in Haiti children eat mud pies – in Brazil the garbage pickers – Russia the sewage dwellers – Syria the refugee camps -the long lines at US food banks……….. the list continues in every country. Let us also include in our prayers that politics no longer dominates the distribution of food. May caring, generous people continue to bring about change, relief and hope to the desperate
April 15 – Prayers for Children The children and youth of Syria are desperate. – Over 400 children hunted and killed. Some tortured.
– Children in refugee camps (with family or orphans) are hungry, in fear, with little help. – Only 1 in 5 schools survive. Children don’t have the normalcy of a school day. – Those hurt or wounded have no health care. – The family support system is fragmented with some beyond repair. And who cares? Let us care by focusing our blessing, prayer, and positive thought to bring change, relief, and hope to these youth and innocents.