“…thank you for letting us be a part of this very special mission to make a positive difference in the lives of others.”
– Darrell Sartin ACIT Instructor for Almansor Center
Sometimes we forget that the giving in life is as important to our well-being (and perhaps even more-so) then the taking.
Many giving hands made it possible for the Holy Family Giving Bank to provide 450 needy local families with Thanksgiving dinner. We deeply appreciate everyone’s help.
Several of these hands belong to generous volunteers from the Almansor Center who, not only provided much-needed help in the preparation and distribution of the Thanksgiving dinner, but assist with feeding the homeless every week.
Folks from the Almansor Center, both the Work Readiness program and their Kiwanis Action Club program have been working at the Giving Bank for over 6 months and are a very important part of the fabric of volunteers who support its work.
Darrell Sartin, an instructor for the Almansor Center’s Adult Work-Readiness program, has this to say about bringing his students to the Giving Bank each week:
My work-readiness volunteers and I enjoy volunteering for the Holy Family Giving Bank. We really enjoy separating all the donated food into their individual categories for the hungry and creating art work on lunch bags for the homeless and those in need of a meal.
My work-readiness-crew and I are very excited about helping the church and it brings a real joy to our hearts knowing that our actions are making a difference in other people’s lives. We are thankful for having this opportunity…..