Mothers’ Day
haitiQuite honestly, we don’t know if the Haitian people celebrate a Mothers’ Day, and, if so, whether it coincides with our beautiful tradition. Still, we want to honor all Haitian mothers and today is a wonderful time to do just that.
Haitian mothers assume most of the task of raising the children of Haiti. In Haiti, especially in the slums, the family has disintegrated and the mother is most often left alone to care for the children. With limited funds it is an enormous task. Basics, such as food and clothing, are hard to come by.
One of the ways we can honor these heroic mothers is by helping to make dresses for their little girls. We can join Fr. Tom in this effort by joining the Sewing Circle which meets:
Tuesday mornings
Guadalupe Room – Pastoral Center
The Sewing Circle is led by parishioner, Marion De Lellis, who welcomes all the help she can muster. There is work for everyone, even if sewing is not your thing. As we say, “All are welcome!” and “There is a task for everyone!”  Call: 626 403 6139, or just show up on Tuesday mornings.
Happy Mothers’ Day to all Holy Family mothers!
The Mission Haiti Committee

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