“Christian community is the place where we keep the flame of hope alive among us…”
Fr. Henri Nouwen
Weekly Offerings
(These events occur weekly, unless otherwise noted in the calendar below)

Contact Joe Manahan for more information: yam@holyfamily.org/(626) 403-6149
More about us…
Trinity Young Adult Ministry was founded in 2016. It is the result of a prayerful two-year discernment and visioning process undertaken by a Task Force of Holy Family young adults, staff, and Christus Ministries partners. This community desired to listen to the Holy Spirit in responding to the needs of young adults and our parish family, thereby building on the foundation of both past and present Holy Family young adult groups.
Trinity focuses on cultivating our relationships with God, other young adults, and Holy Family Church as a whole. It seeks to more fully become a community based on the self-giving love of the Trinity. This is accomplished through programs that foster spiritual growth, genuine connections, and leadership development. The Task Force chose the name “Trinity” as a continual reminder of its intentions as a ministry.
Trinity members are single, engaged, married, divorced, or widowed and in their 20s and 30s. They are young professionals, parents, graduate students, single parents, artists, and workers. Trinity looks beyond labels and categories. It hopes to cultivate a safe place for everyone to come as they are and be truly themselves, to connect genuinely through Christ-centered fellowship, and to grow fully by serving God and others. All are welcome here. Please let us know how we can serve you, accompany you, and grow with you toward a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.