Prayers for Children, March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019 – Prayers for Children – To remind us of the importance of water, the UN made the 22nd of March ” World Water Awareness Day”. Our survival depends on water. Each person has a human and International right to water. Over 2 billion people lack access to safe water and for children – unclean water and poor sanitation are the leading cause of childhood death. (500 or more children die each day). In our communities, we can …

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Conversion is Not Possible without Recognition of Our Sin

Conversion is Not Possible without Recognition of Our Sin Bro. Raymond L. Fitz, S.M. Fr. Ferree Professor of Social Justice President Emeritus, University of Dayton From Open Wide Ours Hearts, The United States Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter Against Racism “What is needed, and what we are calling for, is a genuine conversion of heart, a conversion that will compel change, and the reform of our institutions and society.” All of us are in need of personal, ongoing conversion. Rosary beads …

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The Scourge of Racism – Fr. Jim Heft

The middle of five children, I grew up in a family that was wonderful in bringing Protestants and Catholics together, and this was long before Vatican II. My father was a Protestant and my mother a Catholic, and despite objections from both of their families, they built a good marriage. After leaving the farm in central Ohio, my Dad worked in Cleveland for a Jew, Max Friedman, who was, to mix religions, like Santa Claus to our family. This was …

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Prayers for Children, February 2019

February 15, 2019 – Prayers for Children – Let us focus our prayers, blessings and positive thoughts for our children who are surrounded by negativity,anger, non-acceptance, and bullying. We a need a world for children, where we respect ourselves and the basic rights of each person. We need to appreciate and learn about different cultures, motivations,religions etc.even if we cannot accept all the choices of others.. This change must happen as we live in our communities, teach our children, and …

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January, 2019 Prayers for Children

January 15, 2019 Prayers for Children May the New Year bring peace and hope to all. Let us join in concern for all children of the world. Statistics show that 2018 was a devastating year for children with horrific abuse, starvation, killings – This must change – Our future demands it. We join all people in condemning these atrocities. We join all people in working for change in abusive governments. We must join in positive thought, blessings, and prayer for …

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Prayers for Children – Yemen, December, 2018

December 15, 2018: The season of holidays and celebration brings us together. This is the time to think of our children, peace and blessings. As we celebrate we realize: ” Having a place to go – is a home. Having someone to love – is a family Having both – is a blessing” Donna Hedges Globally, let us join in prayer, blessing and positive thought for those with no home, no where to lay their head. Especially now remember the …

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Prayers for Children – November, 2018

Nov. 15,2018 Prayers for Children: Please -Thank you – I love you are words of blessing, endearment, and encouragement. These will be expressed many times this holiday season as we celebrate family and family traditions, Also in our celebration, we remember “Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege,opportunity and responsibility to give something back to others.” (Anthony Robbins) Let us pray, bless, and think positively about the children who will not be part of the celebrations – …

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LA Archdiocese Wildfire Fund

Archbishop José H. Gomez asks all people of faith and good-will to join him in offering prayers and support for all our brothers and sisters affected by the fires in Southern California. Earlier this year, a special fund was created to provide support during the Thomas Fire. This fund has now been expanded to include those affected by the recent fires in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is providing support to the communities affected by …

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Safeguard the Children Policies and Procedures, September 2018

Holy Family Church South Pasadena, California Safeguard for the Protection of Children, Young People, and Vulnerable Adults Policies and Procedures (Rev. September 28, 2018) INTRODUCTION The Imago Dei, the image of God, is the teaching of our God that all people, everyone, are made in God’s own image.  The human family is precious.  God has bestowed this honor on us, therefore, we have an obligation to honor and respect all humans.  Because of this teaching, our church and our faith …

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