Diaconate Journey Continues…. May 6th – 34 more days until ordination

Hi, Below is our latest blog … May 6, 2017 we continue our diaconate journey…Today we had a speaker, Sr. Mary Dominic, from the Metropolitan Marriage Tribunal with the focus being on annulments. (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes) One of the focus areas of an annulment is the baptismal state of the individuals. This area is also of interest for those going through R.C.I.A. In order for a baptism from another faith to …

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Diaconate Journey – Jay and Candy Retreat

April 27th through May 3rd we continued our diaconate journey… Below is a summary of our retreat. We greatly appreciate your prayers.  Please know that you were in our prayers as well. (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes) On April 27, 2017 we met at the Mary & Joseph retreat center prior to ordination. Our next class will be May 6th at Alemany High School. There are only four formation classes prior to …

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May and June 15 – Prayers for Children

May  and June 15, 2017. “A hundred years from now, it will not matter what type of job I held, what type of house I lived in or what kind of car I drove, but the world may be a better place because I made a difference in the life of a child” Anonymous. Today as we rejoice in the many graduation ceremonies from kindergarten to college – we know we have made a difference in the life of a …

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Funeral, The Rite of Christian Burial

Recently Deceased and Funeral Information

Just like baptisms and marriages, so at death: The rites of a community serve several purposes. They convey a great deal about how death is understood in the group, and about what relationship there is between the living and dead. They may also convey the meaning of this individual’s life. The rites will handle the time of transition from life with this person present in the community to life with this person absent. This recognizes that death ordinarily brings a group-family, neighborhood, church-into a different way of being. Changes like this are always difficult. They may challenge the existence of the group itself, or at the least call people to new roles and new understandings.

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Diaconate Journey Continues… April 22, 2017

Please remember our class in your prayers as we attend our preordination retreat at the Mary & Joseph Retreat Center Thursday, April 27th through May 3rd.   Diaconate Journey…The Deacon at Mass – Holy Family Church  (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes) April 22, 2017 we continue our diaconate journey… we met at St. Louis of France for our last all group day. On Thursday, April 27, we begin our week long retreat …

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Diaconate Journey Continues… Deacon at the Altar

April 9, 2017 we continue our diaconate journey…  Today Jay did his “Deacon at the Altar” practicum with Candy assisting. He was also the presider for a classmates’ “Deacon at the Altar” practicum. On Sunday, April 10th, Jay was an Acolyte with Fr. Marlon at 6:30a Mass. One of our classmates also did their practicum for Sunday Celebration without A Priest for Palm Sunday. (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes)  It was a strange …

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Diaconate Journey…The Deacon at Mass

On March 25, 2017 we met at Alemany High School. We will be at Alemany High School for our next class on the 9th of April.  (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes) Today we reviewed all of the items that a Deacon can do during Mass.  The reason for this is that it will comprise our last practicum as part of our formation process.  The focus of this practicum is to perform …

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Diaconate Journey Continues… Call to Orders – Ordination June 10, 2017!

On March 18, 2017 we met at Alemany High School. We will be at Alemany High School for our next class on the 25th of March. We spent the morning going over mandatory reporting and the Call to Orders ceremony that we would be experiencing in the afternoon.  Due to the travel plans of the Archbishop, we experienced Call to Orders during a Sunday Vigil Mass.   (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes) …

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March 15, 2017 – Prayers for Children

March 15, 2017 – Daily in the news and TV, again and again we see children with matchstick arms and legs with stunted growth. Why? poverty, conflict, war, harmful economics, drought, climate change, and poor health. Yes, these problems of child hunger and poor health are a reality around the world. Now within months the UN predicts that 1.4 million children will die of starvation in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen. The numbers are staggering. We must continue to …

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