How the journey to the Diaconate all began, someone asked….

In 2010, we were at a good friend’s home having dinner. After dinner, one of our friends said ‘Jay, you do a lot of good things at your parish, have you ever thought about being a deacon?’ The friend had a deacon in his parish and had been asked to think about the diaconate himself.  Candy and I thought about it, prayed about it, and talked about it.  After about six months, we decided to look into the diaconate process …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…Candidacy Year II Begins

On Saturday, September 6, 2014 we started our third of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. We were excited as we walked down the halls of Bishop Alemany High School trying to locate our new classroom.  As we started to see our classmates, we knew we were near. We found out that an additional couple had joined the Spanish class. They were in the formation program previously, had taken a leave …

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Religious Education Needs Teachers!

Holy Family’s Religious Education (RE)  is currently seeking 2 catechists (a.k.a. religion teachers) to join our Wednesday grades 1-5 team! Wednesday RE meets from 4pm-5:15pm in the Education Center.  No experience required – just a heart to share your faith! You will receive a catechist/teacher guide and access to the training and resources of the RE Office. For more information and to volunteer, please contact Colette Villegas, Director of Faith Formation for Children  626.403.6118.  Cvillegas at Holy Religious Education/Formation at …

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Ministry of the Arts

Mission:In a letter to artists, Pope St. John Paul II said that the Church needs artists and art needs the Church. This statement can be said to drive our Ministry of the Arts mission. We offer arts programs that are an integral part of Holy Family Church. Through the arts (music, painting, sculpture, literature, dance, theatre, film, and architecture), we aim to deepen a connection to God, emphasize the sacredness and mystery of human life, and inspire a love of …

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Senior Scam Stopper and more

Holy Family’s Pastoral Care Ministry would like our seniors (and the folks who love them 🙂 ) to know about the following opportunities taking place in our community: Monday, September 8th San Marino Senior Scam StopperCrowell Public Library, 1890 Huntington Dr, San Marino, CA 9110810 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.Monday, September 15thLA County Assessor’s Property Assessment Workshop1301 W Olive Ave, Burbank, CA 915069:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.Tuesday, October 21stGlendora Senior Scam StopperLa Fetra Senior Center, 333 E Foothill Blvd, Glendora, CA …

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Holy Family Campus Security Update

Dear Community of Holy Family: In light of the recent event concerning South Pasadena High School, where detectives stopped a potential mass shooting, some of you will be feeling understandable concern about the safety and security of our own campus at Holy Family.  It’s clearly both timely and important to review our current and planned safety and security procedures (find details on this page), since the security and safety of all is of paramount importance for both our parish and …

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Prayer Vigil for South Pasadena Schools and Community, Wednesday at 7 p.m

Dear Parishioner: We have all been shocked and saddened by the news of a plot to harm teachers and students at South Pasadena High School. We are incredibly blessed that the South Pasadena Police Department, working closely with the administration of the high school, was able to thwart the plot and that the two students responsible are now in custody. As a sign of solidarity with our schools and community, we invite you to a Prayer Vigil today (Wednesday) at …

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A Life Rosary

Monday, December 15, 2014, 6:30 in the church.  Please join us as we pray a rosary together for all life, especially protection of the unborn. Please bring your own rosary, a prayer sheet is provided. Sponsored by the Embracing the Beginning of Life Ministry-“from conception to natural death and everything in between.”

Religious Education Congress

The Religious Education Congress is a gathering of the brightest and the best in the area of Catholic Religious Formation, Pastoral Leadership, Scripture Study, Music and Worship.   Each year Holy Family sends a large delegation of catechists, parish leaders, parents and teens to this four day event.  Each year The Religious Education Congress is held in the winter/ or early spring at the Anaheim Convention Center (near the Disneyland resort). Some of our delegates travel each day to Anaheim for …

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Diaconate Journey… Candidacy Year I Ends

June 21, 2014     On Saturday, we completed our second of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. When you get to the end of this blog entry you will notice that we wasted no time in changing “Candidacy Year I, Diaconate Formation,” to “Candidacy Year II, Diaconate Formation”. This year the Rite of Candidacy was received by our formation class, we learned about the New Testament, read and presented Papal Encyclicals, …

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