Is there a Divine Office? The Journey Continues

On October 6, 2012, Candy and Jay Krueger attended their latest class.  They were happy to see their classmates.  Even though it has only been two weeks since they had last been together, it seemed much longer. The morning was spent in Spiritual Direction.  Since we had a retreat two weeks ago, it had been a month since we had met with our Spiritual Directors.  It was for this reason that the morning Spiritual Direction session seemed to take more …

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On the Road to the Diaconate-Discernment

Candy and Jay Krueger attended their third session for the Archdiocese Diaconate Aspirancy year. This session was a day long retreat and included all 103 couples who are a part of the five-year program.  This was also the first time there were both English and Spanish classes for all five years. The session opened with all classes praying the Liturgy of the Hours together. The Liturgy of the Hours was celebrated in English and Spanish, offering all those in attendance …

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Vatican II: Fifty Years Later

On October 2nd  Fr. James Heft, S.M., PhD presented Vatican II Trajectories and Hermeneutics Click here to watch presentation Blessed Pope John XXIII opened the 21st Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church in October of 1962, commonly called Vatican II.  It certainly is the most significant event of the Catholic Church in modern times.  We will celebrate, remember, and come to deeper understandings of this significant Council by having guest speakers about Vatican II. Fr. Jim will begin this celebration …

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On the Road to the Diaconate-It’s Official

After over a year in the application process Candy and Jay Krueger received a letter from Deacon Craig, who is in charge of Diaconate formation for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, on the eve of Pentecost (May 26th of this year), stating that they had been accepted into the program.  The program is approximately 100 days in duration spread out over 5 years. On June 3rd, we had our first meeting, received the syllabus and summer reading and homework assignments. …

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Come and See

Come deepen your faith!

On Thursday, September 13, 7:00pm in the Pastoral Center
 Seeking sacraments…
             Seeking community…
                         Seeking spirituality…
                                     Seeking understanding…

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Believing as a Beloved Disciple and The Year of Faith

Dear Friends: As we anticipate the year ahead, I want to let you know what we have to look forward to here at Holy Family. Believing as a Beloved Disciple and The Year of Faith This year our parish theme is Believing as a Beloved Disciple.  Throughout this year, we will explore what it means to be a believer, a follower of Christ, in our modern world.   How do we model our faith in all aspects of our lives, not …

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Youth Confirmation

Mission Statement The Confirmation Process at Holy Family strives to lead teens and their households to a deeper experience of faith and a deeper relationship with God and God’s Church, and that the teens may be prepared to receive the sacrament of confirmation and live as disciples of Jesus Christ.  Click here to begin the registration process.

Holy Family Fall Festival

For more than 40 years, Holy Family Church has celebrated its strong sense of cautumnity by way of the Annual Parish Fair. This year is no exception!  On October 13 and 14, please join your fellow parishioners at the Holy Family Fall Festival & Raffle!!!  Come enjoy a cornucopia of live music and entertainment, Fall Festival classics and new surprises, delicious food and treats, games and rides for the whole family to enjoy! Wheat Need Fallunteers! Wheat need a lot …

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Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

This feast day represents the Church’s official act of homage and gratitude to Christ for instituting the Holy Eucharist, in which He gave the Church her greatest treasure.  It celebrates the fact that the Body and Blood of Christ are truly present in the Eucharist.  The Second Vatican Council proclaimed the following regarding the Eucharistic sacrifice: The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.  For the most holy Eucharist contains the Church’s entire spiritual wealth: Christ Himself, …

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