The Diaconate Journey Continues…Bereavement

We continue our diaconate journey … 10/5/ 2013 Today’s class covered the Gospel according to Mark, Catholic Social Justice and Bereavement Training through Deacon Sam Frias of Catholic Cemeteries. This session was facilitated by Rev. Susan Copeland. Although we are part of the Bereavement Ministry at Holy Family, we have not had the opportunity to participate in the courses offered by Catholic Cemeteries. Bereavement is part of the ministries of the deacon couple; it is included as a part of …

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October 15 Prayers for Children of Haiti

Oct. 15,2013 – This month through prayer, blessing, positive thought, and worldwide concern, we focus not only on Syria but the children of Haiti. The UN reports in Haiti – 81,600 children are malnourished – 385,000 people remain in camps in deteriorating conditions – and there is increasing drug trafficking – cholera outbreaks – gang violence, and prostitution. But there is hope. Even in the largest slum, Cite Soliel, (yes, the children still eat mud pies, live in shacks surrounded …

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Diaconate Journey – What is your vocation?

Candy & Jay Krueger continue their diaconate journey with an all group retreat at St. Louis of France in La Puente on September 22, 2013: It is always great to have an all group day and see the variety of people who are in the Diaconate program. The diversity of the program reflects that of the Church that will be served. This was a retreat day.  It opened with Liturgy of the Hours and ended with Mass. The main focus …

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Diaconate Journey Continues – As a couple

Candy & Jay Krueger returned to their diaconate classes on September 7, 2013. Hi, Below is our latest blog journey. It covers not only our Saturday class, but our summer as well. The summer was very active for us; homework assignments, meeting our Deacon journeying couple, Deacon Joe & Lorraine Mirzerski from St. Therese’s parish in Alhambra, and writing our candidacy letters. Jay has written to Archbishop Gomez asking that he be admitted as a candidate for the permanent diaconate. …

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What do you know about Deacons? Take the Quiz #’s 9, 10 & 11

Candy and I do not have any of our Diaconate formation classes over the summer.  Since there will be a number of months before our next series of classes start, I thought that I would share some FAQ’s about the Diaconate.  As always, please don’t hesitate to respond or to contact me with any questions about becoming a deacon or about these blogs,  Jay Krueger. TRUE OR FALSE: 9. Lay ministries are not needed in parishes with a deacon. 10. …

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What do you know about Deacons? Take the Quiz- #’s 7 & 8

Candy and I do not have any of our Diaconate formation classes over the summer.  Since there will be a number of months before our next series of classes start, I thought that I would share some FAQ’s about the Diaconate.  As always, please don’t hesitate to respond or to contact me with any questions about becoming a deacon or about these blogs,  Jay Krueger. TRUE OR FALSE: 7. The deacon works for the bishop of the diocese he serves, …

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August 15 – Prayers for Children

  On the 15th of each month, join in worldwide focus of blessing, prayer, and positive thought for all children and youth. The world is rampant with hatred and discrimination. The outcome: war, ethnic cleansing, genocide, hatred between religious groups, lack of equity and discrimination. Today many young people are leading the way out of negativity with generosity and acceptance of all. Others even children are being taught hatred and distrust by parents, schools and religious leaders. – May all …

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What do you know about Deacons? Take the Quiz – #’s 5 & 6

  Candy and I do not have any of our Diaconate formation classes over the summer.  Since there will be a number of months before our next series of classes start, I thought that I would share some FAQ’s about the Diaconate.  As always, please don’t hesitate to respond or to contact me with any questions about becoming a deacon or about these blogs,  Jay Krueger.   TRUE OR FALSE:   5. The wife of a deacon is called a …

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What do you know about Deacons?Take the Quiz – #’s 3 & 4

Candy and I do not have any of our Diaconate formation classes over the summer.  Since there will be a number of months before our next series of classes start, I thought that I would share some FAQ’s about the Diaconate.  As always, please don’t hesitate to respond or to contact me with any questions about becoming a deacon or about these blogs,  Jay Krueger. TRUE OR FALSE: 3. There have always been permanent deacons in the Roman Catholic Church. …

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What do you know about Deacons? Take the quiz… #’s 1 & 2

Candy and I do not have any of our Diaconate formation classes over the summer.  Since there will be a number of months before our next series of classes start, I thought that I would share some FAQ’s about the Diaconate.  As always, please don’t hesitate to respond or to contact me with any questions about becoming a deacon or about these blogs,  Jay Krueger. TRUE OR FALSE: 1. There are no Deacons at Holy Family Parish 2. Deacons are …

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