October 8, 2016 we met for our Diaconate formation class at Alemany High School in Mission Hills. Our next class will be on October 22nd and will be here as well. (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly Deacon formation classes)
This class Candy and Jay had a SCAP practicum. SCAP is short for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest. The premise is that Jay is an ordained Deacon preparing to assist the presider at a Sunday Mass. A short time prior to the schedule of the Mass, you receive word that an emergency has come up and the presider cannot be at Mass and there is not another priest available. The prayers and readings were to be from Sunday that followed the class.
As Mass was attended on Sunday, Jay and Candy decided to provide you with a comparison between the Mass and a SCAP. So, imagine, you went to Mass on Sunday, and the presider had and emergency and couldn’t make it to Mass and there was no other priest available. Also imagine that Jay had been ordained a Deacon.
Prior to the Mass, those involved in the Mass (Lectors, Sacristan, EMs, Altar Servers, Head Usher, Cantor and Choir Director) would meet to discuss what was going to happen at the Communion Service. These will be discussed as we reach them.
Before starting what would become a “Communion Service” Jay would come out of the Sacristy and address the congregation and explain what is happening. Because of the nature of the emergency, the congregation would be informed that, even though this would be a “Communion Service” and not a Mass, that it would meet their Sunday obligation.
Jay then would proceed to the entrance of the church for the entrance procession. As the procession reaches the altar, all proceeds as normal. Once Jay reaches the altar, he bows and the proceeds to the chair located to what would be the presider’s right (or their left hand side as viewed from the congregation). The reason for this is that Jay’s station is still at the Deacon’s chair and not the presider’s chair.
The Introductory Rite would commence with the Sign of the Cross and greeting. It would be followed by the “Lord have Mercy” followed by the Gloria. The prayer said by the priest between the two is omitted. Once the Gloria has completed, we begin the “Liturgy of the Word”. This would be just as it would be on a Sunday, Lectors proclaiming the first two readings and the cantor leading the Responsory, with the Deacon proclaiming the Gospel and then providing a homily. If this was at a Mass where there were Catechumens/Elect were to be dismissed, this would happen.
The community would the pray the Profession of Faith followed by the Prayers of the Faithful. Once this happened, the congregation would be seated. Jay would proceed to the front of the sanctuary and explain that since there would be no consecration, there is no need for the bread or wine to be brought forth. However, we will still have the basket of food brought up and placed in the front of the altar to remind us of those in need within our community. There would also be a collection so that the community of Holy Family may continue to support the needs of others, facilitated by the many ministries.
After the collection has completed, the community stands. At this point, Jay, as the Communion Service would go to the tabernacle, genuflect, open it and bring the consecrated host to the altar. Once back at the altar, the community would pray the Lord’s Prayer. There is no prayer afterwards or the reciting or singing the “Lamb of God”. Jay would genuflect and then hosts are divided between the different ciboria. Once this has been done, the following prayer would be recited by Jay, “This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to his supper.” The community responds with, “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you but only say the word and I shall be healed.”
Once communion has been distributed, any remaining hosts are returned to the tabernacle. Jay would return to the Deacon’s chair for a moment of silence and reflection. The community would stand for the prayer after communion and then be seated for any announcements. Once the announcements are completed, the community stands for the Concluding Rite which includes a blessing. Remember, because, for this ceremony, we were imagining that Jay has already been ordained, he can provide a blessing to the community.
After the Blessing, Jay and the altar servers would either enter the sacristy or process out to the entrance of the church.
And our Diaconate Journey continues…
If you have any questions about what we have experienced in the diaconate (aka “that deacon thing”), please ask us or send us an e-mail to gbmom_01_02@yahoo.com.
If you would like to attend a Diaconate Information day, please attend the following:
Sunday, October 23, 2016 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at St. John Chrysostom Parish, 546 E. Florence Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301.
If you are interested in becoming a Deacon or a Deacon Couple for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, please contact:
Diaconate Formation Office Archdiocese of Los Angeles
3424 Wilshire Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241 213-637-7383
Candy & Jay Krueger, Diaconate Formation, Year V,
Holy Family Church, South Pasadena, CA