Embracing the Beginning of Life – A ministry which seeks to build an awareness within our parish that ‘Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from moment of conception. From the first moment of existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life’ Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2270.
Join us in praying the Pro-life rosary every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. outdoors in front of the grotto of our Blessed Mother. Check the bulletin for time or location changes. All are welcome!
Support women with unplanned/crisis pregnancies and their families:
. free or low cost and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and options counseling: (877) 398-77347
. HF Giving Bank/Community Services: (626) 403-6140
. Guadalupe Pregnancy Services: (626) 872-2483, https://www.pregnancy-gps.org/
. Pregnancy Help Center of the San Gabriel Valley: (626) 309-0788, https://pregnancyhelpsgv.com/
. Obria Medical Clinic (Pasadena): (626) 440-9400, https://obria.org/los-angeles/clinic/pasadena-ca/
Healing for Post-abortive women:
. By Your Side LA: (877) 301-9684, https://byyoursidela.org/
. Rachel’s Vineyard: (877) 467-3463
. Project Rachel: (888) 456-4673
. Holy Family for Sacrament of Reconciliation or Spiritual Direction: (626) 799-8908
Embracing the Beginning of Life ministry is also actively involved with:
. Bi-annual 40 Days for Life campaign
. FosterAll
. Guadalupe Pregnancy Services
. Walking with Moms in Need Project
. OneLifeLA www.onelifela.org
If you are interested in joining the Embracing the Beginning of Life ministry or have any questions, please email us at embracinglife@holyfamily.org.