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route or, more likely, the habitual route. We don’t have the desire to change our

life or our actions. We take this free-flowing water, this precious commodity for


Do we do this with God as well? Yes – perhaps more so than we realize.

John’s baptisms in water symbolize the generosity that God poured upon us by

sending his Son Jesus to us. Jesus is the water in the desert of our hearts; He

offers us the water of the Spirit. “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and

drink.” Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well,“Whoever drinks of the wa-

ter that I will give him will never thirst; but the water that I will give him will be-

come in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”

Jesus is the true LivingWater. He freely pours His generosity, forgiveness and

love to us; all we need is the greater desire for that love and

forgiveness – the desire to change our hearts and to recog-

nize that we can spiritually leave the desert for the trueWa-

ter of Life.


Dear Father,

We thank you for this gift of LivingWater you poured out

to us in your son Jesus Christ. Give us the desire to experi-

ence the generosity that is your love and fill our hearts,

change our hearts and minds.

In your name we ask these things.



Sherie Carrol
