Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans offered prayers for victims of what he described as a “sign of utter disrespect for human life”.
“Our prayers go out to those killed and injured in this morning’s horrific attack on Bourbon Street,” said Aymond, a New Orleans native, in a Jan. 1 statement. “This violent act is a sign of utter disrespect for human life. I join with others in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans in offering prayerful support to the victims’ families. I give thanks for the heroic duty of hundreds of law enforcement and medical personnel in the face of such evil.”
Ben Dutton on Unsplash

God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you burdened and grieved by the evil and destruction of violence, entrusting to your mercy each victim of this horrific crime.
Father of mercies and God of all consolation, who console us in our every affliction, comfort the families and friends of each victim, give solace to grieving communities, and bring peace to anxious hearts.
O God of peace, who are peace itself and whom a spirit of discord cannot grasp, nor a violent mind receive, grant to those who are tempted to commit these acts repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, so that they may return to their senses and escape the snare of the devil.
O God, author and lover of peace, defend against every attack those who cry to you, so that all who trust in your protection may not fear the weapons of any foe.
O God, merciful and strong, be pleased to banish violence swiftly from our midst and to wipe away all tears, so that we may all truly deserve to be called your children.
This webpage is meant to offer support.
- We have curated several good internet resources, for formation, prayer and support (see listings below)
You might want to talk with someone. We have a number of qualified and gifted Spiritual Directors. Spiritual Direction is an opportunity to discover who we are in God, to let go of what is not working, to fully accept our lives and forgive ourselves and others. For more information call 626-799-8908.
Internet Resources
- Parent Guidelines for Helping Youth After the Recent Shooting(The National Child Traumatic Stress Network – English/Spanish)
- Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers(National Association of School Psychologists)
- Helping Children Cope with Frightening News(Child Mind Institute)
- Trauma and Disaster Mental Health(American Counseling Association)
- After the School Shooting: How to Help our Kids (Institute for Girls’ Development)
- Age-based tips and lessons to help students process upsetting events (Common Sense)
- How to Talk with Kids about Racism and Racial Violence (Common Sense)
Prayer Resources
- Prayer: Let the Shooting End (Sisters of Mercy)
- Litany of prayer after Texas school shooting (Aleteia)
Catholic Articles about Mass Shootings
- Backgrounder on Gun Violence: A Mercy and Peacebuilding Approach to Gun Violence, (USCCB)
- US Catholic bishops call for ‘honest dialogue’ on ‘persistent evil of racism’ after mass shootings (Catholic News Agency)
- Pope Francis prays for Texas shooting victims and calls for stricter gun control (America)
Be sure to visit this website as it is evolving as we make plans for gatherings and discover more resources.