Mission Statement
The Religious Education Program offers instruction to children in 1st through 5th grade. We are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradition through education and formation, celebrating liturgy and prayer, experiencing community and reaching out in service.

At Holy Family, we are delighted to partner with you and your child on this journey of faith!
The mission of our ministry is to help children develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Christian community and increase their knowledge of the core content of the Catholic faith. Together with the family, the parish, and our team, our goal is to plant seeds of faith to equip your child and your family to grow as disciples of Jesus.
Families Forming Disciples (FFD) is also a part of the calendar. FFD is a once-a-month family-centered approach to formation with the goals of educating, encouraging conversation between family members, and deepening a connection between families and the church community. These special Sunday sessions are for you and your child to attend.
Sacrament preparation for First Eucharist and reconciliation is a two-year process, usually beginning in first grade. Sacrament preparation is open to all children. Our office will guide families seeking sacraments for older children, including baptism.
We offer faith formation classes on Sunday mornings from 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM or Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM. Please upload a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate, including children baptized at Holy Family, when completing this form. We look forward to serving you!
Colette Villegas, PCL
- cvillegas@holyfamily.org
- 626.403.6118
- Family Resource Center: re.holyfamily.org
About Religious Education
The purpose of the Religious Education Program at Holy Family is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to our students and their families. We believe that “the task of imparting education belongs primarily to the family, and that it is in the Christian family . . . that children should be taught to know and worship God and to love their neighbor.” Catechists and staff strive to support the faith life of families, knowing that it is in the domestic church of the home that faith blossoms and is nourished. Because faith is more “caught” than “taught,” family involvement is essential to the success of Holy Family’s Religious Education Program.
At age appropriate times during their religious education, students are introduced to the truths of our faith woven into the Creed; the sacramental life of the Church; life in Christ; and prayer. All materials used in the program comply with the General Directory for Catechesis and provide a comprehensive presentation of doctrine, scripture, morality, prayer and sacraments. Supplementary materials such as videos, worksheets, bibles and music are also used.
Thank you!