April 15,2014

In shared humanity and concern for children and youth, let us join in prayer, thought, and blessing. 1 in 8 children worldwide hungry5are hungry, starving, malnourished, stunted physically and cognitively. Due to war and other problems, people and children are starving and dying in the Central African Republic, the Congo, Uganda, Sudan and more. Children and youth rely on food banks in Greece, Spain, England, US, Central and South America and ……… The Red Cross and Syrian Red Crescent plead for a cease fire in Syria, to distribute food. The refugees are desperate. In Asia half of the children die under 5 years of age. Worldwide many of us have heard the cry of the hungry. We have donated and raised money for food. We are working in food banks, distribution centers, have adopted families. Let us support these efforts and remember all, especially the most vulnerable – the children – in prayer, thought and blessing.

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