Stewardship Sunday 2020

Watch our State of the Parish video to see what we have accomplished together this year! [clear-line] November 2020 Dear Parishioners and Friends of Holy Family, What a year it has been! When confronted with so much that is beyond our control, our faith reminds us that God is ever present and ever loving, desiring all that is good for us, as the verse from Jeremiah states so eloquently. Above all, we are a people of faith anchored in hope. …

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Family and Marriage Enrichment Ministry (F.A.M.E.)

Known as FAME, (Family and Marriage Enrichment ministry), we are couples with a common desire to enrich our relationship with our spouse and to strengthen the bond with our family and community.  We provide a safe space for all to learn and to share openly their joys and struggles in living their sacrament.  We provide resources, tools, talks, and workshops relevant to family and married life through virtual and in-person gatherings. Vision: A world where the sacrament of marriage is …

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Family & Marriage Enrichment ONLINE Meet

All married, engaged, & coupled parents are automatically in the Family & Marriage Enrichment ministry! FAME seeks to enhance God’s love into our loving relationships. Our ministry provides a means to help married, engaged and parenting couples grow through resources, tools, and community in our parish. Our ministry meets two Sundays a month at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom at . Please schedule this time to focus on your relationship! For questions and to receive information, please send your email address …

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Environmental Opportunities & Resources The call to communal action to care for God’s creation is intertwined with the core tenets of our Catholic faith. Indeed, our response to environmental issues is one essential way we demonstrate love and respect for God’s Earth and for all His people. “Everything is connected,” the Holy Father Pope Francis writes in his landmark encyclical, Laudato Si. “Concern for the environment … needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering …

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Monthly Discipleship Letter – September

September 2020 Dear Holy Family, I do not know how to write this letter. Perhaps the pandemic has paralyzed me. My work has changed, our social life has halted, we cannot go to church and we lost a loved one – there is so much pain. And yet, there are blessings. Our nuclear family has spent more time together. Zoom gatherings with friends have some merit, I suppose. Zoom Mass with Fr. Tom has allowed me to pray with people …

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Music Ministry

Mission Statement The Music Ministry’s purpose is to: Praise God in song. Lead and support the assembly in their active participation at Sunday Eucharist Foster a sense of community and shared prayer Emphasize teachings and concepts from the scriptures Touch the heart in a way that words alone cannot Expose our parish community to different styles of liturgical music, maintaining our links to the traditions of the Church through the ages and presenting fresh music from our time. A music …

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