Fr. John from the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio South Sudan

It’s not too late to support the work of Fr. John Ngbapia and the Diocese of Tombura-Yambio in South Sudan.  Fr. John spoke to us the last weekend of August for the Mission Cooperative Appeal.  You can learn more about the desperate situation in South Sudan by clicking here, or listening to Fr. John’s homily. You may drop off your donation at the parish at anytime or place it in the offertory basket on Sunday.  Checks should be made to …

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And the Journey Continues…in Support of Transitional Deacons

August 12, 2017 – from our Deacon Couple: (Visit here to read all of Deacon Jay and Candy’s blogs) Today was our first day back at the Cathedral since ordination.  We were here to support those being ordained as Transitional Deacons (TDs). Some of the Permanent Deacons (PDs) present, including Deacon Jay, assisted as ministers of the cup for communion. The Mass was led by Bishop Joseph Brennan. We were informed that this was the first time that the PDs …

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Prayers for Children- August 15

August 15, 2017.     World Humanitarian Day – August 19 – is designated by the UN to celebrate the spirit of humanity.  We honor those who gave their lives working for others and those today helping millions of people.  Always children come first.  Daily we see children starving, fighting disease, prostituted, enslaved …..  In joined humanity, let us keep these children and all children of the world in  prayer, positive energy and blessing.  Each day in our communities we …

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Karl Holtsnider Recognized by Pope Francis

We are delighted that Karl Holtsnider, our retired Parish Administrator and Mission Haiti co-founder, has recently been awarded the Papal Honor “Benemerenti.”  The name of the award is translated as serving with distinction, and recognizes his personal commitment both to the Church and to the Holy Father.  An Archdiocesan celebration of Vespers with blessing of those receiving ecclesiastical honors has been scheduled for Sunday, September 3 at 3:30 p.m. at the Cathedral.  We hope many of our parishioners will attend …

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July 15 – Prayers for Children

Crisis in Africa. Now four nations face starvation, disease, no food, no water, drought, terrorism, war. There are 20 million men, women and children in desperate need with 1.4 million children at immediate risk of death. Their only hope are overcrowded refugee camps. One camp, the Dadaab camp has about 500,000 refugees with more arriving daily. As a concerned world, we must send positive energy, blessing and prayer to these desperate people, hoping for political change,and world response to famine relief. The …

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Now a Deacon Couple – Watch Jay’s Ordination!

June 10, 2017 Ordination & Deacon Couple On Saturday morning, June 10th Jay along with eighteen of his classmates were ordained Permanent Deacons for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and he has been assigned to Holy Family Parish, South Pasadena. The ordination Mass can be viewed at this link . The past week of Dcn. Jay & Candy’s life has been amazing. From the rehearsal at the Cathedral and the dinner that followed at the hotel, to the day …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…Ordination June 10th- Thank you Holy Family!

Thank you, members of Holy Family Church, for lifting up our spirits, for your gracious and heart filled support, prayers and enthusiasm. This journey would not have been possible without the support and prayers, each prayer has given us strength, and every kind word had lifted our spirits and fortified our resolution. We continue to pray for vocations and that the Holy Spirit will continue to grace our community with the spirit of service, to call others to think and discern about the Permanent Diaconate, to open hearts, minds and spirits to the possibilities.

Diaconate Journey …. Changes Lives

On May 20, 2017 we met at Alemany High School. Our next class will be May 27th at Alemany High School. (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes) The class today involved discussions on what impact ordination would have on us as a couple and a family as well as changes in our lives that we have experienced over the past five years of formation.  We also wrote letters to each other sharing what …

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I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me

 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you comforted me, in prison and you came to visit me. I assure you, as often as you did it for the least among you, you did it for me.”  — Matthew 25:35-40 Support our local immigrant community- Do you want to do something to help …

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Living in a Stressful World: Part Two

Click here to watch Fr. Roy Pereira, S.J. presentation on Are you and your cellphone inseparable? The Neuroscience of addiction: Research presented through music     Click here to see the flier

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