Imagine LA

The Holy Family / Imagine LA Journey On Sunday June 1st at the 9:30 a.m. Mass you are invited to join the Holy Family community in blessing the Rodriguez family for their graduation from the Imagine LA program. Imagine LA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing the community to end family homelessness and chronic poverty in Los Angeles. Imagine LA has developed an innovative volunteer mentorship program that matches homeless families with volunteer teams from faith communities, companies, and other …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…proclaiming the Good News

Here is our latest Blog. This contains information on both April 12th & 26th. April 12, 2014   This week we discussed Paul’s letter to the Galatians as well as had our final exam for our lector training. Due to the activity around Holy Week, this entry will also contain information about our April 27th all group meeting. As we completed our  lector training, it became more evident that the lector does more than read, they proclaim. Proclaiming involves more than going into …

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The Friendship of Women

With Sister Chris Machado, Executive Director, Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino on Wednesday, April 30th, 9:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m. Galilee Room of the Pastoral Center 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. – Refreshments & Fellowship 12:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Bring your own brown bag lunch (Drinks provided) Sr. Chris will explore the importance of women’s friendship and focus on: Self Care – Being a friend to yourself Why women need women friends Different types of women’s friendship Presented …

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Diaconate Journey continues…stations of the cross

March 28, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… This week even though we had a class, we are going to discuss our after class activity.  One of the requirements for this year is to have a group activity. Our class elected to go to the Mother Gertrude Balthazar Home, which is a retirement community run by the Franciscan Sisters, and conduct the Stations of the Cross for the residents. The chapel at this home was very nice and we had about …

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Pope Francis and Water Conservation

The arrival of spring begs the question: Did we even have a winter? It was the warmest—and third driest—season on record for the state of California. Moderate to severe drought conditions currently exist for 99.8 percent of California, according to the U.S. National Drought Monitor, a reality not likely to change anytime soon. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently predicted that this historic drought will persist through spring and into summer, with the threat of an active wildfire season …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…Jay and Candy go to Congress!

March 17, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… The focus of this week is not on our class, but the Religious Education Congress held in Anaheim. The theme this year was, “Hope: A World Afire!” Congress is held each year in Anaheim and consists of Youth Day on Thursday and then Congress from Friday through Sunday which ends in a closing Mass with Archbishop Gomez.  Counting all four days there were over 45,000 attendees from over 17 different countries. Adult Congress …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…Bereavement Teams

March 1, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… The focus of this week’s class was bereavement training, the second half of Paul’s letter to the Roman’s and a presentation on the encyclical Populorum Progressio, which is on the development of peoples. This was our last class on bereavement and we discussed what it takes to be a member of a bereavement team and what the team does. All parishes have an individual or team that helps families prepare for the last …

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St. Hildegard of Bingen and Medicine

The Women’s Connection invites you to a morning lecture and discussion about Saint Hildegard of Bingen and Medicine on Thursday, March 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 11;00 a.m. The presenter is Dana Bell, pharmacist, educator and parishioner. Come and learn about St. Hildegard, an extraordinary woman who influenced her time and speaks to a healthy life for us today.

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