Here is our latest Blog. This contains information on both April 12th & 26th.

April 12, 2014 This week we discussed Paul’s letter to the Galatians as well as had our final exam for our lector training. Due to the activity around Holy Week, this entry will also contain information about our April 27th all group meeting.
As we completed our lector training, it became more evident that the lector does more than read, they proclaim. Proclaiming involves more than going into the sacristy a few minutes before Mass and give the readings a quick once over, it involves going over the readings many times, reflecting and praying over the word before you are scheduled. You read what you are going to proclaim several times. You read it in silence, you read it aloud and most important, you read it in prayer. By finding out what the reading says to you, will help you to proclaim the Word to get a similar message to those who hear it.
For the final, Candy was assigned an Old and New Testament reading to proclaim and Jay was assigned a New Testament reading as well as a Gospel. This type of assignment was made throughout the class. Jay was fortunate enough to be able to practice his proclamations at Holy Family with Teena recording them on her iPad so Jay could see how he proclaimed.
Candy and Jay completed their lector exams and will receive their certificate shortly. Their certificate will state that they have completed the Archdiocese of Los Angles lector-training program.
One of the other things that they learned from this training is that, as with anything, there are persons who have the gift of proclamation, and those who must practice, pray and work extra hard to be able to do something that is natural for others.
Therefore, the next time that you are at Mass and you hear the readings being proclaimed, please remember all of the effort that goes this ministry. Effort that makes the ministry of the lector seem so simple and yet, so beautiful and inspiring.
April 26, 2014 This was our last all group meeting of the year. This meant that this would be the last time we will see those in year four, ordination year, until they are ordained the first part of June.
For this all group day, we did something that had not been done before. All groups were divided into 26 different groups. In each group there was at least one member of each class year (if a couple, it would be either the husband or the wife). Each group was also a combination of both the English as well as the Spanish classes. The purpose of these groups was to share your response to the following questions:
· If you could have one biblical event, which one would it have been and why?
· What has been the best part of the formation program, so far, and why?
· What has been the most challenging part of the formation program and why?
· What are you the most grateful for out of the formation program and why?
· In what specific way have you put into service something that you learned from formation?
Although the questions and answers were interesting, that was not the purpose of the groups. The purpose of the groups was to provide sharing across all of the classes and in some small way, provide a connection across each formation year. One of the things that we shared, which was not one of the questions, was what is that one or two things that you know now, that you wish you had known at the start of this formation year.
The groups were facilitated by a member of the year five ordination class, who lead the groups through the various questions as well as shared their own points of view. What was most interesting was the point of view from each member of the group. Starting with the Aspirancy group, who studied the Old Testament and have had spiritual direction and the 19th annotation included with their classes, to the second year who have studied the New Testament, bereavement, and lector training. Those in their third year have studied Christology, funeral services and homiletics, to the fourth year, obtaining a deeper understanding of the liturgy and sacraments as well as teaching classes on Baptism and practicums (practicing the different rites) and prison ministry. Those who are in year five have the majority of their classes in Bell Flower, studied Sacraments of healing (Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick) and the spirituality and ritual experience of the Marriage Rite including practicums. Such a varied range or people make up the five years of Diaconate formation: women and men, married and single, many ethnic backgrounds, young and the young at heart. Yet all are of one spirit, we all share a strong faith, shared valves, hopes and concerns for our community, the church and the world.
We can say, at least for our two groups that this goal was accomplished. We now have a connection to at least two people in each year of formation. A familiar face that makes this journey in faith richer and more fulfilling, sharing a common bond of faith.
If you are interested in becoming a Deacon or a Deacon Couple for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, please contact:
Diaconate Formation Office
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
3424 Wilshire Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241
If you have any questions about the Diaconate, please ask us or send us an e-mail at As we complete this calendar year’s classes, we would again like to thank all of you. Thank you for your continued prayers. Thank you for your continued support. Lastly, thank you for the occasional question on how that “deacon thing” is going.
Candy & Jay Krueger,
Candidacy Year I, Diaconate Formation,
Holy Family Church, South Pasadena, CA