April 2021 Discipleship Letter

April 2021 Dear Parishioners, Did you know that Holy Family is a Fair Trade Congregation? In fact, our church was one of the first congregations in the nation to receive this official designation from Fair Trade Campaigns. The significant achievement stems directly from the tireless work of Parish Life Director, Cambria Tortorelli, who has long championed fair trade practices at Holy Family, alongside others in our church community who share her passion. Ahead of her upcoming transition from Holy Family, …

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March 2021 Discipleship Letter

Hello Holy Family Church, This is my first year at Holy Family and for me, Holy Family has drawn me in with an embrace of God’s love, the welcome of His Church. Our church, Holy Family, demonstrates the love of the People of God through service and a strong social justice program. Daily, I work in the Eden Center, the building right next door to the St. Joseph Center & Giving Bank. I see our Giving Bank staff and volunteers …

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February 2021 Discipleship Letter

February 2021 Hello Fellow Disciples, St. Joseph is the Patron of the Universal Church. Pope Francis has named this year to be a year honoring Joseph, the man, the father, and the caregiver of the Holy Family. With that same spirit, we, Holy Family’s Formation teams, are looking to be like Joseph: holy, courageous, tender, and obedient. Our own call to holiness begins internally and spreads outwardly. We must deepen our own faith in order to better share it with …

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January 2021 Discipleship Letter

Dear Fellow Parishioners, I wish you a Happy New Year and ask for God’s blessings and health for you and your families at this challenging time. Our Holy Father Pope Francis has proclaimed 2021 the “Year of St. Joseph.” Raising the Son of God must have been a unique challenge. There is much we can learn from this obedient faith-filled hero. Pope Francis suggests we use this prayer this year. Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin …

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December 2020 Discipleship Letter

December 2020 Dear Parishioners and Friends of Holy Family, During this joyous season of preparation for the coming of the Christ Child, I am reminded again of the many things to be thankful for. Even though the pandemic has disrupted everyone’s lives and caused great hardship for many, we know that God’s love never fails us.  Not only did God make us in his image and likeness, but he sent his Son into our midst to show us His love. …

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November 2021 Discipleship Letter

November 2020 Hello Parishioners and Friends, I am hopeful that this letter finds you and your loved ones well. Wow, what a year 2020 has been, huh? Adjectives that have been used so often to describe these times include difficult, challenging, uncertain, and, for many, despairing. Many food pantries have temporarily or even permanently closed for a variety of reasons. We at the Giving Bank recognized that our community would continue to need us, now more than ever. Many families …

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Monthly Discipleship Letter – September

September 2020 Dear Holy Family, I do not know how to write this letter. Perhaps the pandemic has paralyzed me. My work has changed, our social life has halted, we cannot go to church and we lost a loved one – there is so much pain. And yet, there are blessings. Our nuclear family has spent more time together. Zoom gatherings with friends have some merit, I suppose. Zoom Mass with Fr. Tom has allowed me to pray with people …

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August Discipleship Letter

Hello Holy Family Community, According to the evangelist, Matthew, Jesus’ parting words to his disciples were: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) Every disciple of Jesus Christ shares in His mission. Adult Catholics look to grow in faith and …

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June Discipleship Letter

Dear Parishioners, Greetings from the Holy Family Pastoral Care Ministry! I am writing at a challenging time for all of us. Life seems very different from a couple of months ago. The coronavirus has impacted everyone, and our ministry, which supports our seniors, has been forced to make dramatic changes to the way we operate It is our mission to bring the blessings of the Church to the elderly, the sick, and the dying in our community. We typically visit …

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