Our Devotionals and Prayers

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion The Immaculate Heart of Mary, First Saturday Devotion The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, First Friday Devotion  

Juneteenth Letter from Cambria

June 19th, 2020 Juneteenth Dear Parishioners and Friends of Holy Family,   I write to you today in solidarity with our African American sisters and brothers as we celebrate Juneteenth, the day in 1865 when the last remaining slaves in Texas were freed, 2 ½ years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.   In my letter last week addressing Holy Family’s response to racial injustice, I promised to send you additional resources and ways to become engaged in the ongoing national dialogue about race. …

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Holy Family’s response to the death of George Floyd

“What does the Lord require of you?
 To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” 
-Micah 6:8 June 8, 2020 Dear Parishioners and Friends of Holy Family, Our community, our country and our world have cried out in anguish and pain at the injustice, callousness and brutality of George Floyd’s death.  Tragically, he is among many generations of known and unknown African American women and men, our sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ, whose lives …

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Walking with Moms in Need

Are you now, or were you at one time an expectant mother in need? Do you know expectant mothers who are in need of help and support during a difficult pregnancy? Do you have ideas for how our parish might support women during this precious time? Holy Family Parish has joined the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in their initiative of Walking with Moms in Need. This year-long initiative will focus on identifying the needs and resources needed to help …

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Virtual Ministry Meetings

Holy Family Ministries continue to make efforts to stay in contact with you! Bereavement In Remembrance Of…(IRO)  will be meeting on Zoom starting on Thursday, May 7, 2020 from 6:30 to 7:30 until further notice.  Due to the current Shelter In Place situation the Bereavement Ministry is unable to meet in person.  These Zoom Sessions will focus on the current situation and in effect, the inability to meet in person and share thoughts and feels of sorrow and sadness. The …

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Care, Prayer, In Remembrance Of… (CPR) Zoom Meetings

Care, Prayer, In Remembrance Of…. (CPR) CPR is a monthly gathering of those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.  It is an opportunity to come together with others who are going through a similar experience.  It is a support group with those who share a  common faith. The session will begin on Thursday, September 17, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. through November 5, a total of eight Thursdays! The sessions will be informal, a chance to …

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Holy Family’s FAQs – Answered!

Holy Family’s Response to the COVID-19/Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions   Is Holy Family holding public Masses? On March 16th, Archbishop Gomez announced that the public celebration of all Masses in the Archdiocese has been suspended until March 29th, 2020, or otherwise extended. On March 24th, the Archbishop extended the suspension of all public Masses until April 19th, or otherwise extended. Churches are to be closed to the public effective March 24th until April 19th, or until further notice. Obviously, this …

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Videos of Comfort

A year of video reflections during the COVID-19 pandemic from our Spiritual Leaders with inspirational words, prayers, insights… Monday, March 16th, Reflection Tuesday, March 17th, Reflection  Wednesday, March 18th, Reflection  Thursday, March 19th, Reflection Friday, March 20th, Reflection Saturday, March 21st, Reflection Sunday, March 22nd, Reflection Monday, March 23rd, Reflection Tuesday, March 24th, Reflection Wednesday, March 25th, Reflection Thursday, March 26th, Reflection Friday, March 27th, Reflection Saturday, March 28th, Reflection Sunday, March 29th, Reflection Monday, March 30th, Reflection Tuesday, March …

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