Community Resources & Legitimate Resources

Our Catholic faith is based on the love for one another.  Let us show that love by being the hands and feet of our Lord in this world and crisis.  If you need help (food, shelter, a phone call, a priest) or know of someone who needs help, especially during this time of great uncertainty, please contact Holy Family at 626-799-8908 or e-mail and of course, please avail yourselves of the resources below.  We are here for you and …

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Holy Family’s Continued Response to COVID-19/CORONAVIRUS

“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” -John 1:5 April 3, 2020 Dear Parishioners and Friends of Holy Family, As we settle into the “new normal” of our existence, I hope that you and your family are staying well and finding solace in God’s love and mercy through the support of our daily e-mails, the livestreaming of our Masses, and in the variety of ways our ministries are reaching out to you. We are …

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Praying Together… even as we are Apart

“Wash your hands. And fold them in prayer.”                                         -Matt Stewart, SJ Prayer Resources for you and your family Our Devotionals and Prayers Click the link above to pray along after the 8:15 Mass Livestreaming Holy Family Mass Weekend, Masses:  Sunday at 9:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m., as well as the 8:15 a.m. weekday Mass (Monday – Saturday).  Not sure …

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September Discipleship Letter

September 2019 Dear Parishioners, Once again, after nearly twenty years, we thank you for your support of the poor through Mission Haiti. Our annual appeal is the last weekend of this month and we look forward to hearing from Fr. Tom and Doug Campbell at Mass. They have had an extraordinarily busy year, as always, continuing to add to existing programs, cutting back on others, analyzing what works and what doesn’t and never becoming stagnant or still. They work alongside …

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Conversion is Not Possible without Recognition of Our Sin

Conversion is Not Possible without Recognition of Our Sin Bro. Raymond L. Fitz, S.M. Fr. Ferree Professor of Social Justice President Emeritus, University of Dayton From Open Wide Ours Hearts, The United States Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter Against Racism “What is needed, and what we are calling for, is a genuine conversion of heart, a conversion that will compel change, and the reform of our institutions and society.” All of us are in need of personal, ongoing conversion. Rosary beads …

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The Scourge of Racism – Fr. Jim Heft

The middle of five children, I grew up in a family that was wonderful in bringing Protestants and Catholics together, and this was long before Vatican II. My father was a Protestant and my mother a Catholic, and despite objections from both of their families, they built a good marriage. After leaving the farm in central Ohio, my Dad worked in Cleveland for a Jew, Max Friedman, who was, to mix religions, like Santa Claus to our family. This was …

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LA Archdiocese Wildfire Fund

Archbishop José H. Gomez asks all people of faith and good-will to join him in offering prayers and support for all our brothers and sisters affected by the fires in Southern California. Earlier this year, a special fund was created to provide support during the Thomas Fire. This fund has now been expanded to include those affected by the recent fires in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is providing support to the communities affected by …

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Caring With Faith Resources

        Please click the following links to download the pdf files.  Opening Prayer for Caring with Faith Beatitudes for Friends of the Aged HFC Welcome Letter to Caring with Faith Prayers from Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities What is Hospice? Glossary of End of Life Terms What is Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick – Handout from US Conference of Catholic Bishops Six Teachings Every Catholic Should Know About End of Life Issues and Care for …

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